Home Relations Why Men Like Wet Kisses

Why Men Like Wet Kisses


Men like Wet Kisses
Men like Wet Kisses

When you share a kiss with your man, you reveal a lot more than just passion.
Researchers have finally concluded as to why men like wet kisses. According to the study men are looking for more than just passion when kissing. US scientists have found that modern man uses smooch to look out for the level of estrogen in women and to pick up traces of estrogen in a woman`s saliva thus, to judge their fertility.

Men like wet kisses with more tongue action, as revealed by Anthropologist Helen Fisher of Rutgers University. Other possibility could be that men are trying to transfer testosterone to the woman to stimulate her. “Men see kissing early in a relationship directly as a step to copulation.” Kissing may also serve as a way to assess the quality of a mate.
Fisher said that research has shown that the majority of men and women rate their first kiss as either `the kiss of death` or the blossoming of a new relationship.
The research involved a personality test that measured four universal temperaments by using statistics from 40,000 people on the Internet dating site
Each of the temperament was linked to activity levels of the brain chemicals dopamine/norepinephrine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen/oxytocin.
Fisher concluded that an individual’s temperament judged the kind of mate they choose, thus, enhancing the belief that love involves chemical reactions in the brain.
“People sing for love; they dance for love; they write about love; live for, kill, and die for love,” Fisher told National Geographic News.
“It’s a wonderful addiction when a relationship is working well, but perfectly horrible when it’s working poorly.”



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