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Green Your Ride: Should You Buy An Electric Vehicle?

Green Your Ride: Should You Buy An Electric Vehicle?
Green Your Ride: Should You Buy An Electric Vehicle?

By Lucy Yardley

If you worry about the effect of climate change on the environment, then perhaps you should consider going electric for your next vehicle. Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming a common sight in the US, with the number of EVs on our roads expected to reach just under 19 million by 2030. EVs are better for the environment, producing fewer air pollutants and greenhouse gases compared to cars that run on gas. They can even save you money, too.

Green Your Ride: Should You Buy An Electric Vehicle?
Green Your Ride: Should You Buy An Electric Vehicle?

Decision To Switch To Electric

As electric vehicles become increasingly mainstream, you are not alone in wondering if going electric is the right choice for you. Around 40 million Americans are prepared to consider buying an electric vehicle when the time comes to replace their car. The decision of whether or not to switch to an EV has become much easier. With the technology supporting EVs and batteries continuously improving, the previous downsides of an electric vehicle such as limited range, high cost, long charge time, performance issues and a lack of charging stations are rapidly diminishing.

Improved Choice

While range anxiety was a driving force behind people’s reluctance to go electric, a number of automotive giants such as Tesla and Volvo have voiced their commitment to producing electric cars, even luxury electric vehicles. The performance of electric cars has also made huge gains thanks to advancements in battery and vehicle braking technology. The 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV for instance, was the first mass-produced affordable electric vehicle that offered an all-electric range of over 200 miles. The VW e-Golf is another model that offers drivers a 124-mile (201 km) range.

Just As Safe (If Not Safer) Than Gas Cars

If you are put off switching to electric because of worries over safety, then you can rest assured that electric vehicles must pass the same safety test as standard gas vehicles. Many electric vehicles even score higher in crash test safety and reliability ratings. Tesla’s Model X achieved a perfect score in its safety tests. Electric vehicles are also far less likely to catch fire than gas vehicles. On average, one gas car will catch fire for every 20 million miles driven. However, when it comes to electric vehicles, this falls by 80% to one fire per 120 million miles.

Cheaper To Run

Switching to an electric car will cost you less than driving a gas vehicle. With the cost of buying electric cars becoming the same or less than current non-electric vehicles, it will make an electric vehicle an obvious choice. While you may save on the purchase price, you will also save money on the running costs. An electric car costs considerably less to maintain and run than a gas-powered car. You won’t have to buy gas, do oil changes or smog tests and there are fewer moving parts that can wear out or break. You may even find that your electric car runs for years without needing any repairs at all.

More Convenient To ‘Fill-Up’

With an electric car, you can say goodbye to refueling at a gas station. You can simply plug in your EV at home, work or at one of the 20,000 electric charging stations across the US. The power going into your batteries is also increasingly produced by renewable sources and if you add solar into the mix, your commute to work could even pay for itself.

If you do decide it’s time to buy an electric vehicle then not only will you be future-proofing your ride, but you will also be helping to make a significant difference to the environment and your transportation costs.



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