Friday, May 3, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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The Top 20 Reasons Not to Move to Dubai (in no particular order!)


Living in Dubai is not wonderful and glamorous, as many would have you believe.  Forget about what you’ve read, seen, and heard; those shiny buildings and manmade islands are all just smoke and mirrors.  There are so many things wrong with this place that I have decided to compile a list, a must read if you are considering a potential move to Dubai.
1. There is no standard address system making mail-to-the door delivery impossible.  In fact, it makes anything nearly impossible.  The taxi driver, here for only two days, and having learned English from old Beatles albums has no clue where your house is.  He won’t tell you that of course, he’ll just keep calling and saying, “Okay, okay.  Yeah, yeah.”  When you purchase something that requires delivery they do not have an address line, but a box where you are expected to draw a map.  Not able to draw a map?  Explain like this: I live on the street after the airport road, but before the roundabout.  Go past the mosque and make a U-turn.
2. The government blocks all web sites that it deems “offensive” to the “religious, moral, and cultural values” of the UAE.  That’s hard to swallow for a freedom loving American, but I get it.  I do not understand, however, why all VOIP access and related web sites are blocked.  I guess the government also takes offense to people inexpensively contacting their families back home.  You’re welcome to call using the analog service provided by the government-owned telephone monopoly, but it will cost you a whole lot more.  So much so, in fact, your frequency of calls will be greatly diminished if you can afford them at all.  The government says VOIP is blocked for security reasons, yet even the residents of communist China and North Korea have access to these inexpensive calls.
3. It is really hot outside.  Not Florida in July hot; Hot as if you were locked in a car in Florida in July with sufficient humidity to make it feel as though you are drowning.  Hot as in 120 degrees with nearly 100% humidity.  Do not look to the wind for relief.  This is the equivalent of pointing a hairdryer on full blast directly at your face.  Pour fine moon dust-like sand over your head as you do this and you get the picture.
4. There are too few trees, plants, and grass – or living things aside from us crazy humans, for that matter.  Ever see a bird pant?  I have.  In my opinion, human beings were not meant to live in such a place.  If we were, there would be sufficient water and shade.  The only greenery around are the roadside gardens planted by the government, who waters the hell out of them in the middle of the day.  Thanks a lot!  Didn’t you say we should cut down on our water consumption because you are unable to keep up with the demand?  I have an idea: let’s all move someplace where it’s not 120 degrees outside.
5. This country prides itself so much on its glitz and glamour that it put a picture of its 7-star hotel on the license plate. Yet, the public toilets in the king-of-bling Gold Souk district are holes in the ground with no toilet paper or soap.  Hoses to rinse your nether regions, however, are provided.  This results in a mass of water on the floor that you must stand in to pee.  Try squatting without touching anything and keeping your pants from touching anything either.  Oh yeah.  It’s 120 degrees in there too.
6. This country encourages businesses to hire people from other poor countries to come here and work.  They have them sign contracts that are a decade long and then take their passports.  Even though taking passports is supposedly illegal, the government knows it happens and does nothing to enforce the law. These poor people are promised a certain pay, but the companies neglect to tell them they will be deducting their cost of living from their paychecks, leaving them virtually penniless – that is, if they choose to pay them.  Companies hold back paychecks for months at a time.  When the workers strike as a result, they are jailed.  Protesting is illegal, you see (apparently this law IS enforced). These people will never make enough to buy a ticket home and even if they do, they do not have their passports.  They live crammed in portables with tons of others, in highly unsanitary conditions.  The kicker: they are building hotels that cost more to stay in for one night than they will make in an entire year.  Things are so bad that a number of laborers are willing to throw themselves in front of cars because their death would bring their family affluence in the form of diya, blood money paid to the victim’s family as mandated by the government.
7. Things are not cheaper here.  I’m sick of people saying that.  I read the letters to the editor page of the paper and people say to those who complain about the cost of living rising here, “Well, it’s cheaper than your home country or you wouldn’t be here.”    The only thing cheaper here is labor.  Yes, you can have a maid – but a bag of washed lettuce  will cost you almost $10.
8. There are traffic cameras everywhere.  I consider this cheating.  Where are the damn cops?  I drove around this city for weeks before I ever even saw a cop.  Trust me, they need traffic cops here.  People drive like idiots. It’s perfectly okay to turn left from the far right lane, but speeding even just a couple of kilometers over will get you fined.  These cameras are placed strategically as you come down hills, or just as the speed limit changes.  Before you know it…BAM!  Fined.  Forget to pay the bill and your car will be impounded..
9. The clothing some of these women wear makes no sense to me.  I understand that as part of your religion you are required to dress in a particular way, but a black robe over your jeans and turtleneck and cover your head when it is 120 degrees outside?  In the gym some women wear five layers of clothing…sweatpants and t-shits over sweaters with headscarves.  Yet the men’s clothing makes absolute sense: white, airy, and nothing underneath but their skivvies.
10. People stare at you.  I am sick of being stared at.  I’m stared at by men who have never seen a fair-skinned blue-eyed woman before, or who have and think we are all prostitutes so it’s okay to stare.  They stare at me when I am fully covered or with my husband, and even follow me around.  It’s beyond creepy and has brought me to tears on more than one occasion.  The staring is not limited to men, either.  I’m stared at angrily by female prostitutes who think I am running in on their territory by having a few drinks with my husband at the bar.
11. Prostitutes?  Oh hell yes, there are prostitutes.  Tons of them.  So, let me get this straight, I can’t look at a naked picture of a person on the Internet in the privacy of my home, but it is okay to go out in public and buy a few for the night?
12. Alcohol can only be sold in hotels and a handful of private clubs.  A person must own a liquor license to consume in the privacy of their own home.  To obtain a liquor license you must get signed approval from your boss, prove a certain level of salary that determines how much you are allowed to buy, and then submit several mug shots (aka passport photos) for approval.  Pay the fee and the additional 30% tax on every purchase and you may drink at home.  Then again, you can just pick up a few bottles in the airport duty free on your way in to the country, but two is the max.  Why not just drive out to Ajman where it’s a free-for-all and load up the SUV?  It’s easy enough, but crossing the Emirates with alcohol is illegal – particularly in the dry emirate of Sharjah, which just happens to lie between Dubai and Ajman.  Go figure.
13. Not only do you have to get your boss’s approval to obtain a liquor license, but you must also get the company’s approval to rent property, have a telephone, or get satellite TV.
14. Back to the craziness on the roads: If I see one more kid standing up and waving to me out the back window while flying down the road at 160 kph…whatever happened to seatbelts?
15. When is the weekend again?  Let me get this straight: the weekend used to be Thursday and Friday, but no one took off all of Thursday, just a half day really.  Now the government says Friday and Saturday are the weekend, but some people only take off Friday, others still take a half day on Thursday, but some might just take a half day on Saturday instead.  Anyway you slice it, Sundays are workdays and little business can be accomplished Thursday through Saturday.
16. There are few satellite television operators:.  The movie channels play movies that are old and outdated.  Many of them went straight to video back in the States.  Every sitcom that failed in the US has been purchased and is played here.  Old episodes of Knight Rider are advertised like it is the coolest thing since sliced bread.  The TV commercials are  repeated so often that I am determined NOT to buy anything I see advertised on television here just for thee principle of it.  When I say repeated often, I mean every commercial break – sometimes more than once.
17. The roads are horribly designed.  Driving ten minutes out of the way to make a U-turn is not uncommon.  People are not able to give directions most of the time (remember reason #1), and the maps are little help because most have few road names on them, if any.  Where is interchange four?  You just have to hope you got on the freeway in the right place and start counting because they are not numbered.  Miss it and you’ll likely end up on the other side of town before you are able to turn around and go back.
18. Taxi drivers are dangerous and smell. Taxi drivers work very hard here to earn a living because travel by taxi is still relatively inexpensive, even though the cost of living is not (see reason #7).  Because of this you may have a driver who has had little sleep or the opportunity to shower for several days.  Many of these drivers have just as much difficulty finding their way around as you do, but add to this a third-world country driving style and extreme exhaustion and, well, remember to buckle up for safety.
19. Speeding is an Emirati sport and Emirates Road is just an extension of the Dubai Autodrome.  I know I keep mentioning the roads, but really, much of this city’s issues are encompassed by the erratic and irrational behavior displayed on its streets.  Visions of flashing lights on even flashier, limo-tinted SUVs haunt me as I merge on to the highway.  Local nationals are somehow able to get the sun-protecting dark window tint denied to us lowly expats and use it to hide their faces as they tailgate you incessantly at unbelievably high speeds, their lights flickering on and off and horn blaring repeatedly.  It doesn’t matter that you can’t get over, or if doing so would be particularly dangerous, they will run you off the road to get in front of you.  Don’t even think about giving someone the finger; the offense could land you in jail.  Tailgating is, unbelievably, legal.
20. Dubai is far from environmentally friendly.  Ever wonder how much damage those manmade islands are doing to the delicate ocean ecosystem?  Coral reefs, sea grasses, and oyster beds that were once part of protected marine lands lie choked under a barrage of dredged up sea sand.  Consider the waste that occurs from erecting buildings on top of these sand monsters and from the people that occupy them coupled with the lack of an effective recycling program and you have an environmental disaster on your hands.  Add to this more gas guzzling SUVs than fuel-efficient cars on the road and the need for 24-hour powerful air-conditioning and its evident that the environment is not high on the priority list of the UAE.
So while I’m sure there are benefits to living in Dubai, tax breaks, multi-cultural environments, and beautiful buildings aside, reconsider your plans to move here if any of the above mentioned reasons strikes a chord within you.  Dubai is a city caught in an identity crisis.  Struggling somewhere between its desire to be a playground for the rich and its adherence to traditional Islamic roots, rests a city that lacks sufficient infrastructure to support its delusions of grandeur.  Visit if you must, but leave quickly before you are sucked into its calamitous void.

I haven’t been to Dubai EVER 🙁


  1. this is your point of view.
    Dubai is a dreamland if you got used to muslim women’s dress and climate. As for the toilets, muslims always have hoses in them. Excuse-me but washing your delicate genital parts with water is cleaner than using just paper. Think about it.

  2. Oh my goodness, you have no right to judge the women’s cultural attires. Not everyone share the same beliefs, so stop projecting your distastes onto their Islamic ways.

  3. Sounds really bad.. but looks really cool. I love to visit if i had the money probably for a short time like u said. And what the point of arab, muslims, and islamic people wearin all those clothes it just dosent make sense especially if its hot as hell there. islamic arab and muslim men are gay they cover up there women as if they are ugly, let ur women be free and give some respect.Women are beautiful so stop being HOMO and let them show alittle skin GOD DAMMIT.. ILOVE AMERICA

  4. excellent article..
    the comment left by shadowman is completely ridiculous, how can you choose defending the toilet system, when she clearly mentions the labourers over there and how they throw themselves in front of cars so that their families can get some money?!completely idiotic post, and i can imagine that person probably has their own maid and apartment or whatever it is in dubai…
    rant aside, i could never countenance living in a society like that…too fake and when i know how these buildings are put up, it almost makes me sick!read this article for some more info..

  5. Oh my gosh , emirates is so Great , and stop saying that about them , They’re Cool , i already visited Egypt , and it was so cool , so shut the Fuck Up u loser you’re just so Jealous!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEE DUUUUUBAAAAIII !!!!

  6. I totally agree on the writers’ view. I don’t think that she is throwing out words. I actually was impressed to see the unique buildings of Dubai and I actually wanted to visit in the near future. But hearing of this article give me less attention to visiting Dubai but I still wanna visit anyway. I’m a Christian born in a Muslim country (Malaysia) has slight knowledge about Muslims. I think the Muslim women in Dubai should not wear clothes that make them feel hot. I mean what the writer said that is 120 degree Celsius! Goddamn! Thats’ freaking HOT! In Malaysia, Muslim women don’t cover up themselves. I think the Dubai government should reconsider that.
    Thanks for giving this information. At least I got a glimpse on Dubai.

  7. Excuse me CHRIS but you have no right whatsoever 2 say that Muslim women should show some skin. They are only following their religion and they do it because they know they have 2 answer ALLAH when they die.Nobody tells the women in the USA to cover up so nobody should tell Muslim women to show skin either.think before you speak,ok??

    • I am an American woman married to an Egyptian and I am living in Egypt. The clothing that I wore in America is accepted by the people here as very conservative. Yes there are many conservative people who live in America. And many who are not conservative. I don’t belive men should expose their legs by wearing shorts. But they do here in Egypt. I don’t judge them that is their choice. I am just showing a different view on this. Can we not look for the good in people? If someone is offensive to me, I don’t slander them, I quietly go my way and let them live their way. That is their choice. Or mine. Or yours. Take care and may things be well with you.

  8. it seems like the people in Dubai need to get things straightened out before the become a society that will prosper correctly. with all the screw ups it will take a long time for them to be worth go to. now if you had millions of $$ then im sure things would be way better than it would be for the normal everyday person that will struggle to make ends meet there.

  9. I like this article! There are good side and bad side on the said country, but what country doesnt have? Anyway, I do agree on what she said about some companies that are being run by the government. They hardly will send out the pays on you, especially on this time of economic plums, if not on the dot it would be on some later day as what my friend told me over the phone, he works 6 times a week by the way. And if the cops caught you driving with some liqour content on your system, they would put you in jail or even worse whip your ass out or even deport you, well that’s what my friend told me.

  10. I suspect that those fancy buildings will not weather the time. Its just a matter of time before they crumble, the ocean reclaimimg its own.

  11. 1. almost everyone here will try to scam you, in any way, I have studied hear and worked in Dubai for both internaltional & local companies.
    2. Do not beleive anybody in dubai
    3. The UAE people are not very social , I have leaved 12 years in the U.S., 2 years in mexico, 5 years in Iran , and 6 years in dubai, I have never had any UAE person approach me with a freindly conversation. All my freinds say the same thing.
    4.They think they are the masters of the universe because of few tall buildings financed by (Russain & Iranian blackmarket/money laundery).
    5.Connections are very here 100% , there is 0% value for education and 0% value for experience just connections.
    6.If your here for a reason do what you need fast dont get fooled by the glitz and night life ,get out as soon as possible.

  12. 1- I can compile a worse list of negatives about UK, USA, France or any country in the world. Negatives which do not exist in Dubai.
    2- I fail to understand other people’s advise about hot or cool clothing for Muslim women. Their business not ours.
    3- Freedom? Then let Muslim women be free to cover up if they wish. Freedom isn’t just about flashing your tities and upper thighs
    4- The article is not credible. Dubai is a world popular destination with Europeans making repeat visits and many more choosing to live there.
    5- Remember 80% of residents are foreign (not from Dubai). Says a lot.

    • I am an American woman married to an Egyptian living in Egypt. People will always find reasons to complain no matter where they go. By the way I am sure Dubai is a great place to visit. I have seen many commericals showing all the focul points to visit. America is a great place to visit, I am 54 and have never seen all of my country, I have lived in 23 states out of 50. Every community I lived in had great places to visit. But like everywhere in the world there are also bad places in my country, economy usually is the reason for crime anywhere in the world. The extreme wealthy taking from the poor, or the poor taking from an innocent victim because they feel they have no choice. My dream would be for every person in the world to worship if they want to or if they do not want to. For every person to respect each other. How about no crime, that would be the greatest accomplishment. Oh that includes crime commited for religious reasons, done throughout the centuries. I try to always look for the good in every person I meet.

  13. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Stopped reading after #10. Tired of being stared @????
    Well I guess that just sounds silly to me. A white American woman tired of being stared @. I’m African American. I bet U stare @ people like me everyday. Wait a second…..I KNOW U stare @ people like me everyday. Oh & before your small mind wanders to where I think it will, let me say this: I’ve never been arrested, convicted or jailed for any crime EVER, I’m currently attending college (almost have my degree), and I live in a good community that I contribute to as much as I can….just so people like U can stop starring @ me. Why so scary?

  14. I don’t know if their god, if ever he exist, like the way woman are treated in such hot temperatures. They are indeed forced to dress that way. What a cruel type of worship!!! It’s outrageous.

  15. lols. i think clothing preferences and choices wil remain a bone of contention for as long as common sense is debatable. al the same, i seriously protest to such treatment of workers & th eco system. its nt right. nd it wil pay. in due course. glas is too fragile a material t build ur ambitions on.

  16. RAYMOND:
    PLEASE, spare us you’re tired bullshit. This woman sounds anything but racist. If anything she sound extremely non racist. Yeah you stopped at “light skinned blue eyed” because in your twisted head EVERYONE that has that description is ultra privy and are always keeping the black man down. This woman could be married to a black gentleman. she never said but by they way she talks, it wouldn’t surprise me. This article is about a person first hand view of the huge short comings and unfulfilled promises made by this whack job of man called Dubai. IT IS NOT ABUT YOU RAYMOND. However I am sure you make everything you can about you and racism. This woman doesn’t have an issue with your race, YOU DO. you make it so very obvious. I’m not a random comment leaving person, but what you said about this seemingly extremely nice woman was way out of line and frankly, the argument you present is so tired. It doesn’t hold water anymore with anyone. find new one to moan about.

    I’ve only recently arrived in Dubai from Canada and I can honestly say that just about every point you made is BANG ON! Well done. I didn’t know about the labour issues though and that makes me feel even more disheartened.
    I do love some things about Dubai though. However the hardest part is seeing so many people that look unhappy here… even angry! I don’t agree with the religious beliefs that put women on a level than men. It sits wrong in my soul. And I miss the sexual energy that I enjoy so much in North America. But there are some beautiful Emirate women here… if only they were ‘allowed’ to show it. Oh well, time will tell.
    Thanks again!

  18. I understand that this article is just giving me the authors perspective but to try to convince me that muslim woman in Dubai and especially Dubai are FORCED to wear hot dark religious clothing in the heat of summer is such a far cry. Whatever happened to freedom of choice and personal space. I know men don’t like the idea,in fact we love to see a chick pass by with her cleavage exposed and her silicon titied nipples desperately trying to cut through the thin fabric that does little covering them. It gives us a hard on & makes us feel masculine. But hey if u wanna see fair naked skin uve got ure own beaches which far outnumber the conservative muslim beaches in teh mid east. Still hunger for more visit France or Australia we’ve got some nude beaches down here. But for god sakes stop trying to enforce ure twisted idea of a moraly stable community on others.

  19. What these women wearing are somehing they weared since they were children and influenced by history. Stupid american like you, think everyone in this world has to wear American clothes? you are a jerk. You have totally no idea what this world about. Go fuck yourself shithead.

  20. This is ridiculous! I always knew Dubai had problems, but I had no idea they were effectively turning people into slaves by taking their passports like that. Pretty sure that kind of behaviour can go on for only so long before the UN steps in or there’s a major riot that gets on the world news about it… In either case something needs to happen.

    • No, something is not going to happen. It has been going on in many, MANY contries for a ling time. The UN doesn’t care.

  21. WOW! This is incredible…no wonder the world is in so much trouble. Do you have to curse each other? Imagine if you were face to face…I can see the blood spilling over. I am a Muslim male from South America living in New York going on 30 years and think I can teach the Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and perhaps all the Muslims in that region what is Islam. Before I continue…If you are a Muslim stop cursing because the prophet of Islam said if you curse someone you have cursed your own father. The first thing Islam teaches a person is not prayers or how to worship God it is how to purify yourself. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and there is good and bad in every country of this world. I gather from all the information here that more than one person indicated that Dubai is not the kind of place anyone should want to live in. Some of the information came from people living there so there is a lot of credence in it. The leaders of every Muslim country are afraid to give education to the people because they are afraid of being over thrown. Because of this young men are mislead by radical scholars to commit suicide for the cause of God. Islam tells every Muslim if two of them fight and one is killed they both go to Hell. Also, if you kill an innocent person it is as if you have killed all of mankind. The prophet of Islam had Jews and Christians living among him and his companions and he never killed them. Think I went off tangent but one last point to the topic, I came from a tropical country that is next to the equator and after seven years of living in New York I went back and couldn’t stand the heat, I was sweating like a pipe. This tells me that people adapt to climate and conditions. There are many people in Arab lands that are Christians and you see them covering like Muslims when the travel through the desert. We are all children of Adam, our blood has the same color, we were all created from the earth and will return to the earth. God says he is the creator of our languages and color and made us nations and tribes…peace to all of you in this forum and may God guide us all.

  22. I am sure no one is forced to accept this article..but has it occerd to any one what would happen to those hard working people with out pasport if they stop working or if the women decide enough is enough and stop wearing those cloth.. I can imagine the ….. to build the most incredible biulding in the labor of other and to deny the freedom to be yourself sounds to me hell and it has nothing to what your bleive is..

  23. I can’t say whether this article was very credible or not, but a few points to be cleared. Muslim women only cover up in a sense to protect males. See a person needs to keep their body pure but if a girl is showing 90% of her skin, doesn’t that make a guy want to bang her and what happens? You lose purity. The section about the jobs, I believe that’s true to some extent. My father had a friend who worked in Dubai and he only came home once a year or so, it’s like getting a leave from the armed forces. The crowded houses is also true, my father was telling me about how rich their hotels are, but the houses for average people are a dump. I don’t agree with the whole in the ground for a toilet, but the hose is a good idea, it is better to wash always keeping your self clean. Come on, it can’t be that hot. I went through Marine Corps Bootcamp from May to Augest in heavy clothes and boots with the sun burning. Good drivers I have to admit, only horrible street rules. I don’t believe people are under payed that much. Every country has it’s negatives and positives, if I write a list out of the negatives in America or UK, for a person that’s never been there will think it’s a nightmare but I’m fine living here. Thanks anyways, I enjoyed the article.

  24. Raymon , what part of africa did you live in before coming to live in america ? If you are going to say you are african, you should atleast know which part of africa.
    You are either african or american, not both.

    • You seem to completely ignore the existence of african-americans. I live in Europe and I know that it is correct to say asian-america, african-american etc. It means you are an american of (insert race) descent. Say the sons and daughter of slaves. Let me tell you-people do stare. White people aren’t used to it. Other races are. If you, a white person, complain about it, it is understandable, but you must consider that other races have been suffering this for AGES, so consider your privilege.

      • buzz
        I totaly agree with chuck. You are the only ignorant one here buzz (+ u r in Europe?!). I dont care what is PC (politicaly correct). If what u say is true. What ever happened to the European-Americans?????? Most american’s descend from migrants, both forced and voluntary. I am South-African my-self and white. btw Are egyptians not African according to u??!! Or is it only black-africans. (Yes :O I said black). But saying white is OK? Thats not racist at all right?

  25. This doesn’t make sense!
    Dubai is beautifull
    Went there 2 times!
    Enough grass, trees and other plants!
    People are nice to you and the prices are the same as in Europe!
    So, this article is nonsense!!

  26. I lived in Dubai for 4 years in the 90s. I’m sure much has changed then but I must say this assessment of Dubai, although some of it rings true, is heavily opinionated.
    As well, the negative viewpoints seem narrow. You failed to mention any positives about Dubai and I know there are because I lived there.

    • If you read the title of the article, it’s a list of reasons to not move to Dubai, not a list of it’s positive points. Why don’t you write an article detailing the good things that Dubai has to offer.

  27. well there are part of the article which is really true, regarding the labor, thats absolutely true because i was able to experience it when i was working in a 5 star hotel there, when you arrive they made you report to the HR in which they get your passport but one thing good about us is we have a very nice and descent flat…in every place there is good and there is bad thats the reality….but what matter is how you were able to adopt the place you are in.

    • do u even know what 3rd world means? they are more developped than most countrys and its only taken them 50 years and they are one of the richest.

  28. The Article would’ve made sense,
    though letting alone the approx 93% of it which is exaggerated .
    but that last line there,
    im sorry man, you should at least pass by the airport here 🙂

  29. Ron Park The Fraud Master DO Not trust this guy .– All of Southern Arizona Tucson Real Estate Daily 1873 N Kolb Rd Tucson AZ 85719 Ph. – (800) 536-7480 About TRE Daily TRE (Tucson Real Estate) Daily is a fraudulent one-stop Tucson less then quality real estate resources. Ron Park a self proclaimed homo sexual, and member of Tucson REALTORS fraud, is the manager of TRE Daily. Before Ron Park became a real estate agent/lead manager in August 2007, he was a male prostitute selling himself successfully online and on the Tuscon streets for 7 years. After learning the ins-and-outs of sucking dick, he entered into Tucson?s real estate market after a night of longing passion with his male boss to provide oral services that are rarely found, but certainly needed.
    Both Ron and Lisa Park are SCAMMERs Watch out for them.

    • Well you know what they say about those that “scream the loudest”. Come out of the closet sweetie. You’ll be ok.


    • Hasn’t anyone ever taught you not to generalize? You have no idea how ignorant and childish you sound. You don’t know anything about America or Americans.

        • Perhaps everyone should consider when posting on sites such as this that your comments represent your religion as well as your country. If you want people to respect your opinion, religion and country first begin by exhibiting yourself in a respectful manner. Whoever your God may be, make him proud! Lead by example and be it that people want to know your God because they know you.
          Much love and light to you all as you travel on your journey.

  31. It doesn’t make sense!
    I was in dubai 3 times, Every time better than the previous time!
    Dubai is a modern advanced city. In just 15 years it has become one of the best cities of the world…

  32. In addition anyone has its own personal opinions. (specially about dressing) To think that maybe your believe is wrong (not their believe!)

  33. in comment to speed cameras and no ploice, ive lived out there and there are barely any speed cameras and police everywhere.

  34. oh and dubai is like breathing 100% oxygen compared to the polution caused in america, check your facts m8 before you start complaining about somehing you know nothing about yeh

  35. well… I understand your pain if it really is like that
    I lived in Indonesia and experience some similar issues
    at least your apartment don’t shake because a bomb went off in Marriott hotel a few blocks away killing many people…..
    but then we don’t need licence for alcohol and women don’t cover up with black robes.

  36. I think you are a sad fat yank ugly bitch who is pissed off with the world, go live back in america with all the other retarded inbread cunts. keep your opinions of other countries to yourself

  37. I am sorry but I have lived there and besides what many say about the USA and north America, as well as Europe for the most part, I THINK THIS GUY IS SPOT ON!!!!! 75% of the points ARE RIGHT ON, GOOD ON YA MAN!
    Sometimes people say things we do not want to hear but hey, SUCH IS LIFE!

  38. kartikaya and joe, please don’t hate on Americans. You are acting creepy, discriminatory and generalizing.
    Be nice, and positive things will happen to you.

  39. she wasn’t placing judgement on the women. she was sympathizing with them, stating that, in a climate like that, the woman have to be completely uncomfortable and the men get to wear light clothing. also, someone mentioned that all this stuff goes on in america. maybe the asshole driving, yes, but as far as the mail, whether, lack of addresses, the difficulty in purchasing alcohol, and all of the other factors mentioned, she was just sharing her experience and giving a warning to other fellow americans of the differences. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her expressing her opinion, and honestly, im glad to have read this because i considered visiting dubai, and now i realize this is simply not the place for me. so thank you. another beautiful thing in america… freedom of speech

    • i suggest still go for a visit. i lived there for 10 years and still consider it the best years of my life. life is simple and not as stressful as it is here in usa. i would trust more people there than here in u.s.

      • What is her business with their mode of dressing? who has ever questioned about her naked dressing? well if you have noticed it, every descent Muslim woman will dress like that, even in the US you can notice that, its not only in Dubai. The dressing is a code and we live by it. Non-Muslim believe that they’re here in this world to enjoy and we Muslims we believe that we’re created to worship and follow the rules send by our creator. so let everyone live his life.

  40. I agree with the posters ! i was just there and ive lived there for 7 years of my life! All this is utter rubbish! The place is Beautiful! and not once have i ever experienced anything like what has been said!
    We Americans need to realize there are country out there who actually are DOING things for there people and trying to improve and live there lives! While we go around destroying these country’s causing problems and havock! Our country is falling in despair and all we do is complain!

  41. اكتشف شيء جيد جدا لأنني مجنون الحب الكبير الرعب لألف مرة والأربعين التي ليس لديها اي شيء آخر

    • Yeah, Dubai is not for everyone. Dubai is for the Muslims and you will never like us nor our countries. you will never like Dubai because no alcohol and naked women like you have in US. If there’s a place to visit on this earth it would be Dubai “City Of Dreams”

  42. Dubai is not for everyone.
    I agree with every comment made by the writer of this article.
    I grew up in Dubai in early 1970s. And since then have gone
    back starting 1998,last trip was in 2008.
    Dubai is a third world arab country, surruounded by poor third world countries living in dark is a mirage of first world buildings and pretensions…and thats about it.
    Its really a brothel with prostitutes and liqour supplied
    to keep business running. It has no justice, nor any
    resemblance of a decent, civilized western society.
    I am sorry to say, as much as i love the place i grew up, its not the same anymore…every comment and observation made
    by the lady who wrote this article are true.

  43. you are so wrong. Dubai is a great place. Ive lived here since i was 3 months old. Sure its all abt glamour but the people are really nice and the malls are some of the best in the world. Youve never been to dubai so how can u say such things?
    dub ai is a fabolous place dont diss it

  44. “I haven’t been to Dubai EVER :(“‘
    I’m sorry. You fail. This probably wasn’t even written by you, since the experiences reference a woman who has a husband. and visited Dubai to receive these various experiences. So stop failing, cite the author, or if you wrote this yourself… You fail even harder.

  45. Why move to a country where Islam is the state religion. You pray to Allah one day, then rape an innocent female the next day. Religion is really evil. It creates more problem than solving it. Christianity was responsible for the dark ages. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the reason why we have these stupid wars. Islam is responsible for setting the Arab countries back to stone age. Religion is such a scam!

    • It’s difficult to separate “religion” from “practice of religion” with simple mind. Religion has been used by people, leaders for their gain. Thus it looks bad. But most of the religious people across all faith across the globe is peace loving. Again some bad apple giving it bad name. Lastly the analogy, a car is not a bad thing, reckless driving is. Peace!

  46. I have been to Dubai and my experience is completely different from what is said here. Dubaians are awesome. The place is beautiful. Things are rather cheap. I bought a ralph lauren perf worth 80bucks in USA for just about 50.its original. It depends on where u go.
    Give this guys thumbs up. They are the best in the Easter Europe. Thats why tourists flood to see this awesome place. You cant expect the perfection. Yeah its a muslim nation, yet multicultural. They wont crucify u if u’ve got other religion- so STOP ALL THE COMPLAINTS. Thumbs up Dubai.

  47. I currently live in Dubai having moved from Miami, Florida. The comments are mostly true; however, I was always told you could not get internet, satellite TV, cell phone, car rental or housing without a resident visa or permission from your employer. This is not true. If you have the money you can have whatever you desire in Dubai. There are too many people here who will tell you wrong information. Just go out and figure things out for yourself. The driving is the absolute worst I have seen anywhere in the world. Everyone appears to be in a hurry to go nowhere. What the pretty pictures dont show you is right next to the massive building is a pile of garbage, dirt, sand, dead plants and a sidewalk that was never finished. Walking can be dangerous since I have never seen a sidewalk that was completed, forcing you to walk on the street until the sidewalk picks up again where you will encounter the worlds worst drivers mentioned above.

  48. Appreciating The life in Dubai Depends on who you’re. It is perfect for the Muslims and Horrible for the Non-Muslims more especially the Americans. This is because Porn sites are blocked by the government, no naked women, no alcohol and everyone can notice that Majority of the people making Negative comment on this precious city are criticizing on women dressing and alcohol. so please if you’re looking for a dirty place like US, then find another Dirty city in Europe like France where all streets is filled with naked women with their dirty cheap ass holes just as in strip clubs and every tap is filled with alcohol, no need to go to the store and buy one.

  49. WTF seriously noooo im living in dubai and trust me its no london (where i used to live) but its nothing like what youve mentioned dubai is great…..if u have the money u obviously live a less luxurious lifestyle in dubai….and if youre so sick of the taxis how about getting a car now theres an idea or cant you afford that either.

  50. I got a permanent job offer in a bank in Dubai.
    Salary about 18000 AED per month. I am married too (don’t have children.
    I am an Indian, and have to sponsor my wife by myself and pay every expense by myself, like housing, food, travelling, electricity & water etc.
    I am a Muslim biologically but I really don’t follow any religion, My wife is a Non-Muslim girl.
    I don’t drink, nor do I have too many fascinations. A simple living guy.
    How much will it cost to me per month in AED, is it okay if I get 18K AED.
    Reply Appreciated

  51. If this women is having so many issues is dubai why is she there? Dubai is a great place to live and those that feel it isnt and cant respect the muslim religion or the culture should leave. Why is the muslim women dress looked up as oppression? Why is the nuns attire not looked at in the same way?? The nun is fully covered as is the muslim woman!. Dubai has 80% expats so how horrid can it be. It highly disgusting that people choose to live in it and then wite 20 reasons why u shouldnt. At least the rape rate is lower here unlike the uk and america may be because the women dont flash there bits and are loved for what they are within. As for toilets the muslims are the cleanest people on earth washing the privates after every toilet visit and performing abulation 5 times a day. If you dont like them woman leave there country!!!!

    • “At least the rape rate is lower here unlike the uk and america may be because the women dont flash there bits and are loved for what they are within”
      Are you correlating the rate of rape in the UK and America with the fact that women are permitted to dress how they like? Very dangerous argument. Blaming the victim is never the correct solution.

    • I am American, I am not catholic. Catholic worshippers do not wear nuns clothing. The nuns wear this in reverance to their service to God by their choice. The majority of muslim women are forced to wear the clothing. By the way I live in Egypt, the people are wonderful. The toilets are horrible. So what if you hose off if the sanitary conditions are disease waiting to happen. The only clean toilet I have been in is the American Embassy. I almost didn’t comment on the toilets but my husband said it is the truth so write it. By the way he is Egyptian. But to repeat myself, the people here are wonderful. There are good people all over the world, and there are bad. Let’s be thankful the good out weigh the bad.

  52. I go too dubaii A LOTand seriously its nt bad and as far as the environment thing they have national no cars days and smoking days u might think its only a day but it makes a huge difference I live in the uk and the crime and rape rate here is way higher and also the poverty rate.
    in dubai its not expensive I know ~~!
    and the clothing and alcohol is a religious thing so fuck off same with the weekend its friday and saturday soo way who cares the only reason eu and us have sunday off is because sunday is "gods day " (for christians ).
    u know wat u said sort of counts as rasicm because u are jus saying bad things about dubai dubai is amazing.
    btw I am not from dubai or any other arab countries actually were I'm from we are nt good with arabs history ( saudi arabia) but we love dubai and uae and the people u have no fucking right to say shit about there country u retard!

  53. The last line says it all, I guess.
    You have no right to comment with so much detail and ramble nonsense about a place you've never been to.
    I have been to most of Europe, a bit of the USA, South East and Far East Asia. I have lived in Dubai all my life and can vouch for its awesomeness.

    • 1) Mind your language. Using abusive language really does nothing to prove your stand.
      2) On what context are you calling me a "deluded asswipe"?
      3) The only reason I can consider you to be sane after what you've written is if you told me you were high or drunk when you did so.

    • You sound like the White guy who assumes himself to be superior to _______ (Indian/African/Filipino etc.) simply for being White.

  54. You get "brought to tears" because someone stares at you? You're psychotic. Also, for the record everybody: THIS IS A EXACT CUT-AND-PASTE from a 2007 article: ( DUBAI), so you didn't compile SHIT as you clearly claim you did, "There are so many things wrong with this place that I have decided to compile a list." This is what YOU said.~ L.

  55. I lived there for a good few years and had a great time but the above comments are all TRUE. I cannot believe others who live there cannot see that…it baffles me. Dubai is great as long as things are good but if things go bad you will find yourself in jail with no support.
    And to quote some moron above, the reason crime and rape rates are lower here is because crime figures are much closer to the truth in civilised countries….wake up people and don’t believe the tripe the media there tells you…

  56. stop talking shit u bitch stop giving wrong informations. I am staying in dubai for the last 14 years and except the labour thingy others u have made almost 98% of the things u mentioned! it may be u who cant afford or having a sad life!

  57. All that you said is true. I am an arab but lebanese. I have also visited the uae and other arab countries. All arab countries including my own are very hypocritical and racist. I think this happens to any country that is politically and socialy dominated by one race and when religion controls everything. My country is much more liberal than all arab countries and we have christians and muslims yet we face the problem of male dominance and religouse control.
    As for those that are saying that women are free to be dresses in black veils I completly dissagree. If veiling women like this was healthy it wouldn’t be negatively affecting arab men and women they way it is. First of all its not freedom when you impose veils on women. Second uae men and all arab men are so sexually frustrated because they have only seen veiled women. This is leasing them to travel frequently to seek prostitutes in poorer countries and their countries. Uae and saudi women pay to men in my country to sleap with them. Extra conservatism leads to sexual frustration,perversion and explotation of poor men and women. Arab man and women are also bisexual and many resort to pedophilia. Don’t tell me I am making things up because they are the number one sex turists in my country and we know what they do. Read the book of sultan the saudi princess it explains a lot. I am not judging. They are victims so please don’t defend something so negative.
    That doesn’t mean other countries din’t have negative things. Americans and many europeans tend to judge a lot and they are not even aware of the shit that is happening in their societies and countries.
    The whole world is messed up because we let people control us

    • I am American, living in Egypt, married to an Egytian. My husband is a gentle kind man. I love my mother country. I am 54 and no I did not live in my country with blinders on nor do most Americans. I was robbed at gunpoint by an American and my oldest son was abducted at the age of 5, thank God he was found within a few hours safe and unharmed. In 54 years that is all the harm I suffered from strangers. Women in America suffered under male domination and abuse until they rose up and demanded their rights. No it was not overnight, but it happened. I always say if the women in the world went on strike in their own homes this country would be a better place. Living in Egypt I feel for the women who wear layers of clothing in the desert sun of Suez. I almost feel guilty because I do not wear a veil. I do wear long sleeves and skirts to the ground. I want to be respectful to the custom. I sweat something horrible. The muslim men wear shorts and tank tops, short sleeves. They are all nice and cool. The women leave huge puddles of sweat wearever they sit. I feel for them and wish they could know the joy of a cool breeze running through their hair. I say all of this because I have lived in America (a great country) and I live in Egypt (trying to become a great country – in time hopefully they will succeed). What makes America great is simple. You have the right to choose. You can choose to be bad and spend your life in jail. Or, you can choose to be good and enjoy the benefits of what life offers.
      And you are right regligion should not control. A governments job should be to protect the rights of those who are religious as well as those who are not.
      When the Twin Towers went down, I did not blame every Arab. Only those who were responsible. There are many Muslims in my hometown in America, some good friends of mine. They and their children did not suffer one bad comment after the bombings.
      My son was shot in Iraq (he is fine) yet his best friend in the Army is an Egyptian. And this is the way it should be. People on their own are generally good. It is when radical thoughts are forced on them that changes occur. Example Germany with Hitler.
      For some reason your comment reached me. It made me want you to know about me, a woman American. Take care and I hope your future is wonderful.

  58. Are you serious? How in the hell, can you give so much info to a place you never been? You'd scare the hell out of someone who wants to visit the area!

  59. Thank you for your opinion of the place…… l guess l needed to know this before hand. Now l don't have a desire to go….. what for.

    • I can tell you it’s better to live than London, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Washington D.C., just to name a few.
      Singapore is definitely better, but Dubai is a really, really good city.

    • Hi Natasha,
      The person who wrote this has never been to Dubai, ever. How can you take his opinion?
      Have you been to Tokyo? It’s so overpopulated that you don’t have a place to stand. And it stinks of fish.
      But I’ve never been to Tokyo, but whatever, right?

  60. Yeah, she clearly makes comments about her actually being in Dubai, so that comment about never having been there is something else attached.
    And I just moved back from Dubai and most of what she says is totally true. In fact she left out the horrible customer service (read no customer service), the place basically running like a 3rd World country, nutty laws, major sense of entitlement from some people, a general sense of self-centredness etc.
    And it's such a relief to be home and be able to go to the mall or wherever and not be creeped on and propositioned (basically every time I went out, multiple times in one outing, even followed home or in parking lots by drivers, and all of them 'Muslim'!)
    There are some fun things about Dubai; lots of great places to eat, unusual things to do, big/flashy things to see, fancy parties to attend and get your pictures in magazines, etc. But when all that wears off and you're just trying to 'live' there it's not a great place. Definitely wouldn't want to raise kids there.

  61. Friends, I believe that the primary purpose of thi post / blog has been defeated and the person who will read this will now get confused and will not be able to take a decision, i.e. whether to move or not to move to Dubai.
    I would request you all to stop fighting with each other and stop confusing the website visitors.
    Grow up…
    No offences for anyone.

  62. Friends, I believe that the primary purpose of this post / blog has been defeated and the person who will read this will now get confused and will not be able to take a decision, i.e. whether to move or not to move to Dubai.
    I would request you all to stop fighting with each other and stop confusing the website visitors.
    Grow up…
    No offences for anyone.

  63. ur requirment is naked peoples, liquor, drugs, no cameras, and u think ur perfectly correct
    ur r an idiot man
    u know worlds lagrgest rape country is america
    more than 2300 rape case and only uae which has rapes less than 10 per year

    • “uae which has rapes less than 10 per year”
      That’s a bunch of hogwash. In the UAE, it requires testimony from four MALE witnesses to “prove” a charge of rape. Failing that, any woman who dares report being raped will end up with more jail time than her attacker, because she’ll be charged with “making false statements”. I’m surprised there are even 10 rapes “proven” per year under those conditions.
      Basically, a man can rape a woman there without fear of punishment. It won’t even be reported.

  64. hey lady
    1.uae is the only country with crime rates less than 10% per year
    2.america got the credit of most no of rapes per year but we cannot blame mens living there bcoz now american ladies doing strikes for showing their boobs .
    3.uae got tax free
    4.u said poor countries are invited to uae for doing business u know jp morgan , the banking king got business in dubai
    5.u can have mercedes , ferrarri bmw audi any cars of low cost than any country because of tax free and in europe u cannot dream of a ferrari
    6.womens in uae covering their body totally because they dont want to get raped.
    7. everybody looking at blue eyed europians becoz most of the blue films coming from europe and peoples are thinking may be she is the lady that i have seen yesterdays fucking movie required for internet connection its for the safety of the country
    9. if u do not like the roads her u gotta blame usa engineers , they fixed the road disign and uae has following american standards
    10 uae has worlds tallest building , one and only seven star hotel, largest university, largest airpor with undeground fleight parking fascility, largest aquarium, largest mall{dubai mall}
    largest widest road{sheikh zayed road}
    in 2015 dubai would become the airport which has largest no of passengers c
    11. currently uae got 53 billion passengers per year and london heathrow has 73 billion
    12. hidden camera for safety of ours then only peoples like u avoid rash driving
    13. uae is the only country u can live without any life risk
    14. peoples cannot buy guns like america
    15. nobody got safety in usa
    16. all channnels are available if it is not getting that should be ur connection problem
    17. sex site are banned for goodness of the peoples
    if u need u could use hotspot shield for getting access of sex sites
    18. taxi drivers has not speaking eng verywell because they r not from usa nad england eventhough they are speaking
    19.muslims are the only kind of peoples doing ablution five times with a shower
    20 muslims dont fuck at public place like some europian couples did at jumeirah , they caught and got banned in uae
    21. in 5 star and seven star hotels all pros coming from europes and australia
    22. dubai is only country with safeliving, beautiful, neat, clean environment

  65. I agree to this Article! I worked an an architect in Dubai and Abu Dhabi for 3years and I've not been paid for 3 months. I also have to run after my another 4 month unpaid salary. I checked in a 5 star hotel twice with my western boyfriend and was blocked thinking I am a prostitute. How rude they let the security guard knocked on my room asking my passport! I got send out from the mall because I was wearing shorts. What about the other tourist ladies? When you have an interview the first thing they ask is your nationality. If you are asian you could only good on this rate. blabla bla.. The most racists country I've ever known! I left UAE cursing it!

  66. I agree to this Article! I worked as an architect in Dubai and Abu Dhabi for 3years and I've not been paid for 3 months. I also have to run after my other 4 month unpaid salary. I checked in a 5 star hotel twice with my western boyfriend and was blocked thinking I am a prostitute. How rude they let the security guard knocked on my room asking my passport! I got sent out from the mall because I was wearing shorts. What about the other tourist ladies? When you have an interview the first thing they ask is your nationality. If you are Asian then you could only go on this rate. blabla bla.. The most racists country I've ever known! I left UAE cursing it!

    • Hi,
      Dubai is a clean , Green , safest, holiday & tourism & commercial capital of the MiddleEast with 186 nationalities living in peace, harmony.
      As 90 % of the population are expats, you dont feel like you are living in Someone’s country.
      It is expensive , but believe me the shopping here is worth the money….good quality things that money can buy ……people are very friendly and helpful.
      Some of the worlds wonders are here…no need to go far for tourism and site seeing….also the western & European people are paid twice or 3 times the salary than the Asians and Indians (for the same post / qualifications & experience )
      …After enjoying all these, a lady is writing an article like this…..
      I lived in Dubai, being an Indian and witnessed some of the landmark achivements in the World taken shape in Dubai….am happy to whatever the country has given me….Long live Dubai

    • Yes it's not respectful to be almost naked in a public place in the UAE! I don't understand why is it so hard to understand this! Please have a little respect!

    • Yes it's not respectful to be almost naked in a public place in the UAE! I don't understand why is it so hard to understand this! Please have a little respect!

    • Yes it's not respectful to be almost naked in a public place in the UAE! I don't understand why is it so hard to understand this! Please have a little respect!

    • Yes it's not respectful to be almost naked in a public place in the UAE! I don't understand why is it so hard to understand this! Please have a little respect!

    • Yes it's not respectful to be almost naked in a public place in the UAE! I don't understand why is it so hard to understand this! Please have a little respect!

    • Have a little respect? that's what you have been taught to say to people who were dragged to uae to make a living? They have prostitutes everywhere, alcohols sold everywhere, russians everywhere, mafia, black money, casinos hidden in burj al arab where only shaikhs are allowed to gamble, and so on. It's hypocrasy, i know many local uae who are muslims drink, have illegal sex while being married with tons of kids on their back, and now you are telling this poor lady to have some respect.

    • Have a little respect? that's what you have been taught to say to people who were dragged to uae to make a living? They have prostitutes everywhere, alcohols sold everywhere, russians everywhere, mafia, black money, casinos hidden in burj al arab where only shaikhs are allowed to gamble, and so on. It's hypocrasy, i know many local uae who are muslims drink, have illegal sex while being married with tons of kids on their back, and now you are telling this poor lady to have some respect.

  67. the lady who has wretten the article is just an ignorant chirper, with no respect for other cultures.
    Best to ignore such remarks from people who choose to get attention in any possible way-negative or positive.

  68. It’s funny. Reading this article, then I find myself reading the comments and all of the suddent it turned into a religious and political battle. The person has some correct facts but many of her points are not correct. I grew up in the US. I moved to Dubai 3 years ago. I am a muslim (I don’t practice). Somethings I hate about here such as the VOIP which is clearly a monopoloy but you can get around it with VPN software like hotspot, etc. The alcohol thing is just a law. Yes you can drive to Ajman or RAK and get tax-free cheap alocohol, yes it’s illegal to drive it between states, but the same applies in the US with tobacco. If you transport a huge amount between states, you violate federal law my friend. So please look in the mirror sometimes. And yes, many prostitutes exist in Dubai, that too is illegal.
    I respect the law officers here because unless you do something REALLY wrong, they leave you the hell alone and don’t just pull you over for the fun of it. This is something that bothered me while living in the States.
    No it’s not really cheap here but you can find places here that fit your budget, including housing.
    The roads mostly are poorly designed though nice and don’t have pots everywhere like the roads in Michigan, which by the way still don’t have a solid weigh limit law. And as far as the temprature and weather, well… it’s the desert, what do you expect? In the states we have the snow birds that spend 6 month in Arizon during the winter and then go back to their states when the weather cools off. In UAE, I believe we have one of the best winters I ever lived. And I agree, you can own very nice car here and live mostly tax free. So there are pros and cons, just like in any place on the planet. I believe we should not be prodigious and give things a chance then make up our own mind wheather it suits us or not. This article by far is not what I would consider a guide. Point #9 got under my skin. We brag about and fight for being a free nation, yet we do not accept others who wants to wear what they want? I call this Hypocrisy.
    That’s my 2 cents on this article.

  69. I agree with most of the realities that the writer enumerated. And may I add more?
    * I saw some dads teaching their toddler sons to poke ladies’ backsides in crowded places. If their sons do, they’re seem to be proud of it! The ladies which can not scold the toddler would just get annoyed and walk away. Once there were teenagers in a school bus with which one boy swung a tennis racket outside the window while I was waiting to cross the street!
    * The teenagers who grab the ladies whether they are walking or waiting for the bus or taxi. Sometimes they would ride a bike and seem to collide with you intentionally scaring you. Then laugh as if they get a kick out of it.
    * I could enumerate my Egyptian boss’ every dirty trick he employs with regards to his staff and his clients.
    * The Asians are always required to help the higher paid blondes who can not even multi-task (read: do two things at once!)
    * Now you can be fined for jaywalking without you knowing it! You will only find out when you fly out of the UAE. Same goes for criminal records. A suspect isn’t notified till he comes back to UAE.
    * After end of contract, the workers cannot work for the next 6 months because of automatic ban by the government unless you pay 5k dirhams or you offer salary is more than 7k. Who gives that amount of salary to an Asian worker now?
    * Employers are gods here.
    Just my thoughts…This are from my personal experiences.

  70. Wow….people really get touchy on locations and cities. Some of the points noted are correct, but then which place is perfect? Personally, I don’t like Dubai’s control on skype and the fact that it is not really a melting pot of different cultures. But then at least, I don’t fear for my family’s safety while roaming around late…that’s a big positive which Dubai and Singapore offer.

  71. Why don’t an NGO do something about the poorly treated workers?
    – Them keeping their passports
    – The employees being accountable
    – Having a place to go to or report if there is trouble

  72. Thank you thank you DR ABULU for the good work you just did in my life , my name is Priscilla i was married to my husband for two years and we were living together happily and we both love each other for this two year not until one bad evening when i came back from work late due to scares of transportation and he started queering and he said he does not trust me anymore and he can continue with this marriage anymore and he drove me away from his house unknowingly to him that i was carrying his two month old baby inside me i tried informing he but he won,t listen to me anymore i thought i will never get him back again and i loved him so much and i promise not to rest until am able to get him back to my life so i began to look for a solution and help to get him back this was because i do not want to give birth to a fatherless child so one afternoon as i was browsing on my computer i came across a testimony shared by miss Rachael from UK how she got his ex husband back with the help of Dr abulu of ([email protected]) so i decided to give him a try and to my best surprise the spell this man cast on my husband work just within two days i contacted him . and today am happily living with my husband and a bouncing baby boy , with all this help rendered to me through this DR ABULU OF ([email protected] )i will always thank him forever and testify his goodness in my life for other,s to hear an see , once again thank you DR for bringing back my family ,

  73. Hi All Above.i read the full aritical written by someone i am sure you reveal the real face of Dubai but still there are things to mentioned about the labours i think you didnt been to the labours accommodations more than 10 people are living in one single room.they have very low pay and phones are very expensive to back home they cant go back to home for several years as their pays are very less.i would say the Dubai is for those people whose having money in their pocket and they want to enjoy the life. if you are coming to work than i will suggest you change your mind this place is to visit only not to work.i also read some comments about religion and about nations those words are just discremination which is not good. every culture and religion they have their own rules and dont think that you have fully freedom to drink and get liquirs things easily everywhere.i dont know why you fellows are discriminating the islam we never harm you are discriminate your religion or your nationality.

  74. why you people are coming to Dubai if you dont like it? i read the artical from a to z i do agree there are few things need to concider but on dresses and on religions things are a totally discrimination which is not a good sign if we muslim not discriminating any religion or any nationality why you fellows are doing this with proud? see everrespective religion and country they have their own rules,cultures and beliefs so they cant change those just for a group of people.

  75. I turned 16 two years ago and visited my uncle who is working there. I had attended a party that resulted in me being drugged and I bled badly from my bottom and needed stitches. There were marks that look like teeth on my nipples and burn marks. I was also missing some of my hair which is cut off and pubic hair is also pulled out. I told my uncle it was an accident. I think they did this to me because I’m of mixed ethnicity, being Irish, German, French and Chinese. They probably saw me as a white westerner. It is not also blonde woman that are targeted but guys too…I guess it was better that I had been asleep, because otherwise I wouldn’t have survived this…..I wish I had been stronger, and not so stupidly skinny, and gullible. The city is riddled with bad intentions.

    • I do agree that they can be racist, I mean in the middle east they hardly see other raced people, its usually just arabians. Seeing you will probably be like seeing an alien. Its because the middle east is the home to Islam, and Islam didn’t actually travel much further than Turkey (im talking about Islamic countries, not individuals). You can imagine that a stereotypical white person wouldn’t be muslim right? I mean (i am a muslim) and when I visited my family they were all asking me OMG what do English people look like…lol. I think that over time Dubai twisted Islam round, like those pakistani Taliban people and their “Girl.No.Education” crp (Prophet Muhammad actually encouraged Education for both sexes i dunno where they got that.) I personally think that they should focus on the racism and the enslavement of asians, and to leave the non-important stuff for later. It is a woman’s choice to cover up. But Allah only told us to do it from the bad men with bad thoughts and so we can protect ourselves. What happened to you wasn’t because your stupid, probably because you were wearing clothes that were too racy. It wouldn’t happen in America or England because most people wear racy clothes.

  76. Went to Dubai three times and decided after my last visit that I will try to stay well clear of the place! Here are my reasons:
    I witnessed how Asian workers were physically abused by their employer in a hairdressing salon. He grabbed one of them by the neck and shook her. This salon was situated in a well reputed hotel and I reported what I saw to the hotel director. The employer was a sexist pig and the staff were treated like animals.
    I visited a couple of spa´s where I talked with the therapists one to one. A couple of the girls (Asians) confided and told me that they were trapped. One of them hadn´t seen her kids in 4 years and had been tricked into her contract. She ended up having to pay through the teeth for all kinds of things and was left with very little money and no passport!
    I could mention other things but I think you get my point. Many people don´t care about humanity and respect, but I do. For me, Dubai ended up being a place that I just don´t want to visit again because it was upsetting to be there. It´s all glitz and glamor (to some people) but at the end of the day it´s only a shell. My first visit to Dubai was passing through in 1981 and it was a desert with a runway! I have seen enough to know that it just isn´t my kind of place!

  77. UAE is a rich country and will be, you people are just like dogs barking outside. First of all improve your countries and stop crimes and then start telling over other country.
    I want to remember you that you people may know that in USA just in one at least 15 rapes happen and in india in year 2010 above 250000 crimes happened against women, and many other crimes in millions.
    you people went there to pollute a land of gentlemen and lords, you people were involved in most crimes like killings, rapes, suicide, robbery, and many others.
    You people are yourself worst people and want to harm its image

  78. Firstly, I’d want to say that this isn’t a guide by any standards.. It’s more like a slightly incoherent and badly worded temper tantrum.
    I particularly enjoyed your comments on the clothing women wear here. (This would be an excellent time for you to go and google the exact meaning of ‘sarcasm’) I fail to understand how their clothing choice affects you in any way? Did someone force you to wear any of it? I highly doubt it…
    Yes, the roads can be confusing at times but it’s all based on an American design. And not complicated once you get used to them. And as for the speed cameras, I’d rather have them than being pulled over. And as for their location… I don’t really see how any of it is a problem unless you’re speeding all the time.. And then that would be your fault, wouldn’t it.
    Your comments on it ‘being so hot’ made me stop and laugh for what felt like a very, very long moment. It’s a desert… Surely, you didn’t expect rolling fields and daffodils…
    More than anything, this article made me very sad… Sad that there are are so many people out there who choose to focus on the negative in everything instead of looking on the brighter aside. Yes, there are flaws… And there are good things too… Name one place that’s perfect…
    Although you may be more experienced than I am, I’ve lived and loved it here for ten years….

    • Ummm….those items aside, how about the documented workers that go there to work and get money for their families, but instead get their passports taken away and have to work for nothing and can’t leave, and live in deplorable living conditions? This is a well documented fact, i have seen multiple articles describing the working conditions, and the fact they are trapped and cant leave. How about the fact that if you have debt, they can JAIL you. Desert weather, clothing aside, how about the fact they are enslaving workers, and jailing people if they cant pay their debt? That doesnt sound appealing to me at all.

  79. It is all true! But not all this made by the people from UAE. There is no Emirati taxi driver here, so obviously they are not the one who is rude at the road. So far in my 10 years of living in UAE I found locals here are very shy type person and kinda down to earth people. In many restaurant in UAE I've never seen UAE nationals working as a waiter or waitresses, So yet again obviously they are not the ones causing all this poor customer services. That articles are true but there are so much more to justify, which is which and who is who.

  80. 1- Of course people will stare at you if you are almost naked! Please have a little respect to the culture. I guess this is a great opportunity for you to use your "Open-minded" and "respect of others" value you learnt in US.
    2- I don't think you really know the place you lived in. UAE has built the first ever zero carbon city with its factories, educational institute and residential buildings! You have no idea about the plan that is going to be in 2030 to reduce oil production and usage! Even the public rubbish bans almost everywhere for recycle for plastic, papers and cans.
    3- "There are too few trees, plants, and grass"? No clean toilets? I'm really very curios to know where do you live! Coz this doesn't sound familiar at all! Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah are busy cities just like any other city in the world. If you went to the other north emirates, they are quite with beaches, mountains and natural life.
    4- Taxi drivers no more smell! That was three years ago only but now they have to be clean according to the new policies. And yes they are dangerous if you are taking the taxi at mid night when streets are empty. I guess no matter how dangerous is the UAE, it's certainly not even close to how dangerous are European countries or US! UAE is considered one of the safest countries around the world. I would certainly live in a safe country that doesn't offer Alcohol everywhere, than live in a dangerous country that has alcohol everywhere!
    5- Sharjah is the only city that is horribly designed! The other major two other emirates Abu Dhabi and Dubai streets are very clear and clean.
    6- Prostitutes? yes there is unfortunately after mid-nightl but again, certainly not like the horrible Prostitutes business in US.
    7- There are traffic cameras everywhere because if you know, I'm sure you don't, car accidents is the first reason of death in UAE! Simply follow the rule of not speeding over 120, then you will be fine!
    8- Seriously what do you exactly want? First you said there is no plants, and then there are plants but it requires a lot of water which is not good for environment, and finally the suggesting the smartest solution on earth is to "I have an idea: let’s all move someplace where it’s not 120 degrees outside." Wow I'm really impressed!
    9- Abu Dhabi will have soon new address system that each house has its own code, if you read the newspapers.
    I'm not saying there are no problems here yes there are, just like any country in the world. But they way you address it, is whether wrong information or picking up very little details that don't really matter and make it sounds big! like TV commercials and films to watch! I'm sure this is everywhere in the world, and even if it's only in the UAE, these are very silly reasons!

  81. 1- Of course people will stare at you if you are almost naked! Please have a little respect to the culture. I guess this is a great opportunity for you to use your "Open-minded" and "respect of others" value you learnt in US.
    2- I don't think you really know the place you lived in. UAE has built the first ever zero carbon city with its factories, educational institute and residential buildings! You have no idea about the plan that is going to be in 2030 to reduce oil production and usage! Even the public rubbish bans almost everywhere for recycle for plastic, papers and cans. I'm sure you also know that US and UAE have almost the same Ecological Footprint, so what difference would it make for you if you really care about the environment and you think UAE is far way horrible than US.
    3- There are traffic cameras everywhere because if you know, I'm sure you don't, car accidents is the first reason of death in UAE! And with these procedures, death drop 19 % on roads this year. Simply follow the rule of not speeding over 120, then you will be fine!
    4- Taxi drivers no more smell! That was three years ago only but now they have to be clean according to the new policies.
    5-And yes they are dangerous if you are taking the taxi at mid night when streets are empty. I guess no matter how dangerous is the UAE, it's certainly not even close to how dangerous are European countries or US! UAE is considered one of the safest countries around the world. I would certainly live in a safe country that doesn't offer Alcohol everywhere, than live in a dangerous country that has alcohol everywhere!
    6- Abu Dhabi will have soon new address system that each house has its own code, if you read the newspapers.
    7- Sharjah is the only city that is horribly designed! The other major two other emirates Abu Dhabi and Dubai streets are very clear and clean.
    8- Seriously what do you exactly want? First you said there is no plants, and then there are plants but it requires a lot of water which is not good for environment, and finally the suggesting the smartest solution on earth is to "I have an idea: let’s all move someplace where it’s not 120 degrees outside." Wow I'm really impressed!
    9- Prostitutes? yes there is unfortunately after mid-nightl but again, certainly not like the horrible Prostitutes business in US.
    10- "There are too few trees, plants, and grass"? No clean toilets? I'm really very curios to know where do you live! Coz this doesn't sound familiar at all! Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah are busy cities just like any other city in the world. If you went to the other north emirates, they are quite with beaches, mountains and natural life.
    I'm not saying there are no problems here yes there are, just like any country in the world. But they way you address it, is whether wrong information or picking up very little details that don't really matter and make it sounds big! like TV commercials and films to watch! I'm sure this is everywhere in the world, and even if it's only in the UAE, these are very silly reasons!

  82. 1- Of course people will stare at you if you are almost naked! Please have a little respect to the culture. I guess this is a great opportunity for you to use your "Open-minded" and "respect of others" value you learnt in US.
    2- UAE is not environmentally friendly? FYI, US and UAE have almost the same Ecological Footprint per capita. So all your concern about the environment in UAE is weightless. Also, UAE has built the first ever zero carbon city with its factories, educational institute and residential buildings! You have no idea about the plan that is going to be in 2030 to reduce oil production and usage! Even the public rubbish bans almost everywhere for recycle for plastic, papers and cans.
    3- There are traffic cameras everywhere because if you know, I'm sure you don't, car accidents is the first reason of death in UAE! And with these procedures, death drop 19 % on roads this year. Simply follow the rule of not speeding over 120, then you will be fine!
    4- Taxi drivers no more smell! That was three years ago only but now they have to be clean according to the new policies. And yes they are dangerous if you are taking the taxi at mid night when streets are empty. I guess no matter how dangerous is the UAE, it's certainly not even close to how dangerous are European countries or US! UAE is considered one of the safest countries around the world. I would certainly live in a safe country that doesn't offer Alcohol everywhere, than live in a dangerous country that has alcohol everywhere!
    6- Abu Dhabi will have soon new address system that each house has its own code, if you read the newspapers.
    7- Sharjah is the only city that is horribly designed! The other major two other emirates Abu Dhabi and Dubai streets are very clear and clean.
    8- Seriously what do you exactly want? First you said there is no plants, and then there are plants but it requires a lot of water which is not good for environment, and finally the suggesting the smartest solution on earth is to "I have an idea: let’s all move someplace where it’s not 120 degrees outside." Wow I'm really impressed!
    9- Prostitutes? yes there is unfortunately after mid-nightl but again, certainly not like the horrible Prostitutes business in US.
    10- "There are too few trees, plants, and grass"? No clean toilets? I'm really very curios to know where do you live! Coz this doesn't sound familiar at all! Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah are busy cities just like any other city in the world. If you went to the other north emirates, they are quite with beaches, mountains and natural life.
    I'm not saying there are no problems here yes there are, just like any country in the world. But they way you address it, is whether wrong information or picking up very little details that don't really matter and make it sounds big! like TV commercials and films to watch! I'm sure this is everywhere in the world, and even if it's only in the UAE, these are very silly reasons!

  83. I do give my 2 thumbs up for the reasons stated above. I've lived in Dubai for 8 years and have noticed the above reasons. The only reason that bothers me living in UAE is the human rights, claiming to be tax free country where it's not! Be prepared to pay high premiums for Rents, electricity, housing fees, water, and chiller fees are too high and ridiculous at times. If you lose your job, you better have savings to pay off the remaining school fees, housing rents and also your family residence cancellation fees. And worst of all, you would have in general upto one month to leave the country. YES you would have no choice but to leave the country where you wouldn't get a choice to choose to join a new job there because you would require a no objection letter. And most likely you wont get from your previous company. Additionally, it's an indian/paky state country. You would find alot of east indians there from various classes poor mainly. That's why would stare at you because they like to stare at anything (they are very curious people on the face of this planeet). Most important thing, locals or UAE people think you are working for them and you are under their merci. This is a fact and they know you are there to benefits from their money and you should oblige to their laws, rules, personality, attitude, religion, and their beliefs.

  84. I received a love spell from [email protected] and within 3 days he casterd the spell, the spell started working straight away. before I could know what is happening my lover who broke my heart came to my house to ask me out for a lunch" we back together now and we are living happily – Shelee Victoria, Australia.

  85. It is my personal opinion that one (particularly non-muslims) must desist from visiting arab countries. they may be filthy rich, but at the end the arabs are filthy bastards. they follow the desert’s medieval religion and their mind-set belongs to a medieval era. no amount of education and advances in technology can bring about a change in the arab psyche.

  86. Ali Greatest who is poor lady? Who staying in hotel with his western freind bcz their culture allows it and feels it legal… Things what u do at ur home could be ok but when u r in someone else's house u need to respect their trends…

  87. This is so so insulting, it’s my country. Dubai has good weather, good presidents, good schools, good malls, great houses, and more

  88. Then why u stayed f****** long 8 years.. u r the foolest person on the face of this planet who spent almost 25% of his young life in a place which wasn't ideal for u. I hope u wasn't tied with palm trees by locals here.

  89. Ali Greatest who is poor lady? Who staying in hotel with his western freind bcz their culture allows it and feels it legal… Things what u do at ur home could be ok but when u r in someone else's house u need to respect their trends…

  90. Ok wait a second you are like the worst human being I have never met. Do you know why because you insulted me and my country. I mean come on what is it our fault that its hot here ha??!!! You know you suck my country is the best country ever and I’m really proud of it. You should be ashmamed of yourself what would you feel if someone insulted your country I have been in the us and its a wonderful country and I respect America and its people but why don’t you do the same. Do you know why we stare when you drink because its haram as in ileagel in our religion and we are surprised that our country offers you that. And our roads are the best roads ever our life is perfect and do you know why we have blocked stuffs because you don’t know maybe a child was surfing the Internet then boom a naked women shows up. And what we wear is respectful we haven’t said anything about how u.s girls wear. We respect your religion why don’t you respect ours to. I mean like what the f*** is this. I know that you don’t like the channels that we have or the shows that we put but the hotle you been in might be not good i have been in a lot of hotels in Dubai and I have seen so many shows like Ellen degeneres and Disney channel dr oz two broke girls everything I mean come on. Yeah our weekends are not like yours. Look your Friday is our Thursday your Saturday is our Friday your Sunday is our Saturday!!! Get it now? Every place has its own thing you do different thing and we do diffrent things. Only women in Dubai put black shades on their cars do you know why? They don’t want to have a guy flirting with them and its not good or because their mothers and they have kids. I mean come on. First why did you even come to Dubai???????!!!!!!!!!!! I started to think that you are an idiot. Oh yeah and do you know why we stare at you it’s because your blue freakin eyes we wish that we had blue eyes thats why you Americans are like cilebrities. Yeah you should respect that I got angry when I read what you wrote and I got really mad. So now I think that you don’t have a brain and you don’t understand culture and you are a home person you like bad stuffs and you look like a freak to me(no offense). Thank you.:))

  91. Spot on. And to Mariam Shehab,
    1. "almost naked" is not the only way to get stared at? I agree that it is extremely disrespectful when some tourist shows up at a mall wearing short shorts and a low cut shirt, but my wife is a conservative dresser and a degreed engineer. The cloths she wears to work will get her stared at and even harassed by men in UAE. They stare even when I am with her. She's been followed to her car at the mall. Harassed by young Emirati men in cars. This is not about dress. It is about lack of respect for women.
    2. I work in oil and gas here and environmental issues are my speciality. The pollution allowed is much high than the US. Read the regulations before you speak.
    3. Cameras are not police. Speeding is far from the only moving violation. Other countries have patrol cars that actually enforce the entire driving code. Any Emirati would be pulled over and fined or imprisoned in the US tailgating, agressive driving, flashing bright lights, driving/passing on the shoulder, failure to stay between the lines of your own lane. Breaking suddenly and weaving across many lanes to get to an exit. Failing to queue properly when an entrance/exit is backed up. The list goes on and on an on.
    4. Wrong, the still do smell. And you guess wrong, because the first and most obvious thing noticed by American moving to UAE is how scary the driving is. UAE is ranked 9thin the world out of 120 in number of auto mobile related fatalities. The US is ranked 118th. You are 3 times more likely to die in a car in teh UAE than the US. Given that our emergency response and medical care are nearly identical, this can only be attributed to the dangerous driving habits of people here.
    5. you skipped 5.
    6. But it doesn't now.
    7. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the street layout. I could expand on this forever, but trust me, even if they just did wrong in one way, you could at least anticipate, but there is not consistent philosophy.
    8. The point is neither. Don't move because it's a barren desert. Nobody should live here. And trying to make it green by piping water that already is short on projected demand that was desalinated using energy from combusted fuel oil only makes the problem more ridiculous.
    9. Unfortunately, Dubai faces the same problem with prostitution that many major US cities have. No more, no less. In New York and LA, just as Dubai, it is illegal but it is present.
    10. The toilets are covered in water, no matter how nice the establishment. The country is filled with people from 3rd world countries and even the locals are only one generation from squatting in the sand. Most bathrooms employ a full time worker just to mop the water from the spray handle down the drain and it is still wet. Worse, some people actually squat on the western style toilets. This is so prevalent that many bathrooms and even the commercial airliners from the region have illustrative signs explicitly prohibiting squatting on toilet seats and requesting that water be kept in the toilet.
    You mentioned TV. You are correct, this seems silly, but in selecting a place to live, you have to consider even the superficial as it is often more important than you want to believe. The television programming is just as she described and laughably terrible. Positive note, because it is so terrible, I have stopped watching TV altogether.
    I'm going to mention the seat belt thing again. Vehicle accident is the #1 cause of child death in the UAE. It sickens me to see a mother holding her infant in her arms in the passenger seat of an SUV. She has no seat belt on. There is an air bag that would easily crush the child. I've seen three kids under 10yrs old standing in the floorboard of the front seat. 6 or more kids crammed into the back seat of a Toyota Camery. Children hanging out of windows or standing up out of the sunroof. All of this both in town and on the highways. Simply put, this is child abuse through neglect and those children should be taken away from their parents.
    I like living in UAE for lots of reasons, but this list is exactly right. I give the UAE a lot of credit for how far it is come in such a short amount of time and dealing with the constant struggle to let the outside world come in without losing their own culture and belief system. However, denying the problems are no solution. In this list, some are serious issues and others are mild inconveniences or culture differences. It is a list of things Americans would not appreciate and should consider when contemplating a move to here.

  92. Spot on. And to Mariam Shehab,
    1. "almost naked" is not the only way to get stared at? I agree that it is extremely disrespectful when some tourist shows up at a mall wearing short shorts and a low cut shirt, but my wife is a conservative dresser and a degreed engineer. The cloths she wears to work will get her stared at and even harassed by men in UAE. They stare even when I am with her. She's been followed to her car at the mall. Harassed by young Emirati men in cars. This is not about dress. It is about lack of respect for women.
    2. I work in oil and gas here and environmental issues are my speciality. The pollution allowed is much high than the US. Read the regulations before you speak.
    3. Cameras are not police. Speeding is far from the only moving violation. Other countries have patrol cars that actually enforce the entire driving code. Any Emirati would be pulled over and fined or imprisoned in the US tailgating, agressive driving, flashing bright lights, driving/passing on the shoulder, failure to stay between the lines of your own lane. Breaking suddenly and weaving across many lanes to get to an exit. Failing to queue properly when an entrance/exit is backed up. The list goes on and on an on.
    4. Wrong, the still do smell. And you guess wrong, because the first and most obvious thing noticed by American moving to UAE is how scary the driving is. UAE is ranked 9thin the world out of 120 in number of auto mobile related fatalities. The US is ranked 118th. You are 3 times more likely to die in a car in teh UAE than the US. Given that our emergency response and medical care are nearly identical, this can only be attributed to the dangerous driving habits of people here.
    5. you skipped 5.
    6. But it doesn't now.
    7. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the street layout. I could expand on this forever, but trust me, even if they just did wrong in one way, you could at least anticipate, but there is not consistent philosophy.
    8. The point is neither. Don't move because it's a barren desert. Nobody should live here. And trying to make it green by piping water that already is short on projected demand that was desalinated using energy from combusted fuel oil only makes the problem more ridiculous.
    9. Unfortunately, Dubai faces the same problem with prostitution that many major US cities have. No more, no less. In New York and LA, just as Dubai, it is illegal but it is present.
    10. The toilets are covered in water, no matter how nice the establishment. The country is filled with people from 3rd world countries and even the locals are only one generation from squatting in the sand. Most bathrooms employ a full time worker just to mop the water from the spray handle down the drain and it is still wet. Worse, some people actually squat on the western style toilets. This is so prevalent that many bathrooms and even the commercial airliners from the region have illustrative signs explicitly prohibiting squatting on toilet seats and requesting that water be kept in the toilet.
    You mentioned TV. You are correct, this seems silly, but in selecting a place to live, you have to consider even the superficial as it is often more important than you want to believe. The television programming is just as she described and laughably terrible. Positive note, because it is so terrible, I have stopped watching TV altogether.
    I'm going to mention the seat belt thing again. Vehicle accident is the #1 cause of child death in the UAE. It sickens me to see a mother holding her infant in her arms in the passenger seat of an SUV. She has no seat belt on. There is an air bag that would easily crush the child. I've seen three kids under 10yrs old standing in the floorboard of the front seat. 6 or more kids crammed into the back seat of a Toyota Camery. Children hanging out of windows or standing up out of the sunroof. All of this both in town and on the highways. Simply put, this is child abuse through neglect and those children should be taken away from their parents.
    I like living in UAE for lots of reasons, but this list is exactly right. I give the UAE a lot of credit for how far it is come in such a short amount of time and dealing with the constant struggle to let the outside world come in without losing their own culture and belief system. However, denying the problems are no solution. In this list, some are serious issues and others are mild inconveniences or culture differences. It is a list of things Americans would not appreciate and should consider when contemplating a move to here.

  93. Somya Gupta, you are living in a fairy tale land in your mind. The only reason you could possibly believe these points untrue is because the only place more backwards and screwed up than Dubai is the entire Indian nation. I can complain about UAE, but you couldn't pay me enough to live in India. And before you ask, yes, I have been to India many times and have many American colleagues that have lived there.

  94. Somya Gupta, you are living in a fairy tale land in your mind. The only reason you could possibly believe these points untrue is because the only place more backwards and screwed up than Dubai is the entire Indian nation. I can complain about UAE, but you couldn't pay me enough to live in India. And before you ask, yes, I have been to India many times and have many American colleagues that have lived there.

  95. I agree with Marc. I've travelled all over the world. I've lived in UAE for 3yrs. I cannot even begin to understand how any of that list could be denied. It is all true and very much understated.

  96. I agree with Marc. I've travelled all over the world. I've lived in UAE for 3yrs. I cannot even begin to understand how any of that list could be denied. It is all true and very much understated.

  97. Mariam Shehab, you are delusional. Yes there are a frustratingly large number of people who do not respect the culture by dressing "almost naked," but harassment of women is not reserved for these people. It is for any woman not wearing an abaya and naqib.

  98. 1 – I must add that even if some tourist showed up at the mall dressed in a thoughtless and disrespectful mannner, it's not outside the realm of possibility that those disrespectful daisy duke shorts and cropped tank top were not bought at the same mall.

  99. 'The country is filled with people from 3rd world countries and even the locals are only one generation from squatting in the sand.'
    The presence of people from the 3rd world countries in Dubai is a good reason for one not to live in Dubai????

  100. 'The country is filled with people from 3rd world countries and even the locals are only one generation from squatting in the sand.'
    The presence of people from the 3rd world countries in Dubai is a good reason for one not to live in Dubai????

  101. There are disadvantages and advantages everywhere. I am an Emirati, lived in Dubai my entire life, but moved to the states for education. I have found faults in the States and I have found faults in the U.A.E. But I would never write down a list of 20 reasons of why a person should not move to the states because I try to look at things from a brighter perspective.
    For Example:
    1) I get stared at too, in the states, the self pro-claimed land of freedom. Why? Because I'm veiled.
    2)I get attitude because I'm a muslim.
    3) A LOT of homeless people, shitty taxes, while in the U.A.E, we take care of the poor just fine.
    Also, I could also lay down a list of negativities in the U.A.E. And I agree with some of what you said, but trust me, just like any other country, the U.A.E has its pros and cons, good men and bad men.
    Have a good day. 🙂

  102. -.- ah ah ah…. 5alha tsheeel gash-ha w tenjel3 -.- what a hater, how unfortunate that we didn't fit the american way of living with political scandals, racism and poor people!

  103. Mariam, you must hang around Dubai Mall….. oh, which by the way, if you need to drive out of, will take you 10 minutes and 20 km before you can turn around in the right direction. Did you know that there is no way to do a u-turn on SZR heading from Abu Dhabi, back to Abu Dhabi?? Haha, millions of dollars later… The road systems in Barsha, Business Bay, TECOM, etc, were designed by someone on crack cocaine. Or maybe Mariam doesn't drive because she has a pakistani driver??
    UAE has the highest or 2nd highest eco footprint in the world, loooonnnnngggg way off USA, Australia, etc, which it so much wants to be compared to. Recycling as has been proven a lie in Abu Dhabi… I can't even buy a composter at Ace to put in my garden, for my native plants for less watering.
    For toilet training, go to the Emaar gold souk. Or for that matter, Deira City Centre toilets… or Ibn Battuta… we know why the ladies wear 8 inch platform shoes – to keep out of the toilet puddles!
    I've known more deceased people in the last 4 years on UAE roads than my entire life in Australia, the driving here is crazy and its sad how many tragic accidents there are, particularly in young UAE men.
    I've been here 10 years, and Dubai's lack of coordination when given a blank slate to build on has been frustrating and disappointing. I used to live in RAK, so I have other places to compare to as well.

  104. mariam I agree with you too in everything I am living in dubai for 3 month now and everything is fine and I am happy , except that taxi drivers is still smelly 🙁 😛

  105. What a shame… You didn't like it?? Then we'll do what we can to satisfy your taste, your highness.. Oh yes, what brought you here in the first place? You possibly found something which you couldn't find in your country, a jib perhaps..

  106. @Somya gupta, just the way YOUR OWN KINDS are treated here,you should just know it all…. but WHY do you care right???? I guess you live a little princess life in that little IGNORANT bubble of yours that its so offensive and disrespectful when peope are just sharing an OPINION.come on get a life!

  107. I really find it funny when people say that these things aren't true and its the way you see it… (just reading the comments below). It is all true with a slight exaggeration on temperature (as its not always boiling in Dubai- yes its true for summer) unfortunately what is mentioned above is all true, I lived there for 13 years (I don't live there anymore).
    Don't hate the city, its very young compared to any other that you have probably lived in and so far it has done well for itself, better in some ways than others. However as you say you have to figure out for yourself if the advantages of the place are worth more than the disadvantages- its not a place for everyone.
    The infrastructure currently very young and needs time and chance to develop.
    However, if I had a choice. I would most likely not live there.

  108. wow complain much! jesus its a great place to live! you are a guest there firstly and you should always remember that! that's what works with dubai. granted some things are bad like labour etc but you are hilarious talking about traffic cameras, weekends and television, jog on! I was born there and you just sound like a spoilt child mate! its a young country and developing. and ps I love washing with a hose lol.

  109. wow complain much! jesus its a great place to live! you are a guest there firstly and you should always remember that! that's what works with dubai. granted some things are bad like labour etc but you are hilarious talking about traffic cameras, weekends and television, jog on! I was born there and you just sound like a spoilt child mate! its a young country and developing. and ps I love washing with a hose lol.

  110. give me a break? dubai enviromentally friendly??? I differenciate every bit of rubbish, only to see garbage being collected all in the same truck. A country that has a skiing facility with 45° outside: and that's environmentally friendly. Some of the points of the 'article' were just provoking, i agree, but let's be honest….

  111. i think you offended a lot of people with this post.
    don’t wanna be stared at? put an abaya on then there’s nothing to be stared at. and no it’s not that hot and it’s actually nice wearing an abaya coming from a european.
    in some cultures it’s not rude to stare, so they do so in this country, they might not be educated enough not to or they just don’t care. men in europe stare too but they stop as soon as you realize.

  112. Ah yet another brainwashed female who believes that it's up to the woman to keep from being stared at (and likely you believe it's up to the woman to keep from getting raped too right?). When are we going to start putting the responsibility on the men? Neither the Quran nor Hadiths support the lack of respect for women that the majority of Middle Eastern and South Asian men show. So no when it comes to being stared at how about you start teaching your sons that it's rude to stare? I know that I'll be teaching mine that and I'll be teaching their sister's that they AREN'T the ones who have to "control" men in order to keep from being stared at or raped.

  113. Somya Gupta irony that you think you'd be a judge of safe places for women when you're in INDIA. How many gang rapes have happened in India since December? I don't think you have a leg to stand on when it comes to safe places for women. You've grown up in a culture that blames women for being raped, you've been brainwashed to think it's your job to keep men from raping you. The responsibility of rape belongs to the MAN. Men are not brainless creatures that don't know any better and that have to be controlled by women. They are thinking human beings who choose to rape and there is absolutely NO justification for rape or sexual harassment.

  114. Live in your own home town rather than exaggerating so much about someone elses town. Do a proper research and find out which place is safe from violence, death defying 2 and 4 wheelers. I agree things are bad there, but every country has their own issues. One has to respect the culture.

  115. Live in your own home town rather than exaggerating so much about someone elses town. Do a proper research and find out which place is safe from violence, death defying 2 and 4 wheelers. I agree things are bad there, but every country has their own issues. One has to respect the culture.

  116. If you don't like it, why do you waste 30 min of your life writing all this instead of just booking a flight ticket back home instead?

  117. Yeah, US has so much democracy and freedom. So much that it has the highest number of serial killers in the world. Relax buddy. US also has freedom of speech as assumed. Let people say what they think and do not disrespect anyone.

  118. Every country has its problems. US is not an exception. But all I can say is: "WOOOOWW! You must must have had a very bad luck when you went there".
    Trust me, some people are actually living in paradise there. Do not destroy the country with its cultures just because you have had a bad experience in it. Come on. It might be hot as hell, no alcohol and crazy drivers, but it is one of the safest countries on the planet.
    Some one is following you? Call the police and report your location and the car that is doing so or the person, and police will magically appear. Just so you know something that I discovered about Dubai, You do not have to see the police, but they are there. Creepy hunh? You will find them just around the corner. But hey, Being stared at is better than being rapped right? As a US citizen I believe you know about the rates just as much as I do if not more.
    Anyways, Dubai is growing while keeping its traditions. For me, there is nothing wrong about that. Your opinion is different I respect that, but there is not need to destroy this country with you thoughts. The US is the greatest country in the world right? I can come up with a list of disgusting things to say about it but I don't.
    Let's please respect cultures. R E S P E C T. It is not so hard.
    Thank you

    • I am just curious what do you mean “destroy”? People are entitled to harmless opinions right? just as readers are in turn also entitled to(again)harmless disagreement!

  119. Hey Sophie! U don't Know about Dubai. i'm telling you u don't have wright to sue local even if u r wright. Dictatorship can never be better than democracy. U were born there, did u get citizenship? Still u r nothing for Dubai but just a stranger. it doesn't matter how many years Dubai have been served by your participation in different kind of jobs. Madam, think practically. moreover, it's a Islamic country. oh shit…

  120. hey girl! you know what is the reason behind u like Dubai cuz never saw better than this. u r from india so compare to India Dubai is better. that's why u r satisfied. ur expectations and thoughts are working according to India which is already too much polluted.

  121. I’m a British female, now middle aged, have travelled to many Muslim countries incl Syria, Jordan, Dubai, and also extensively within US, even owned property in Dubai and US. The author of this article is a young blonde American female, and as such I can totally understand she writes her true perception, echos of my own experiences 20-30 years ago (though never in Dubai). Large populations of frustrated young men as exist, I’m afraid in most (all?) Muslim communities simply cannot understand how upset we can feel, or that we feel at all. However, likewise, the young veiled Muslim lady is also right, I’m sure, about the stares or tension she perceives when in US.
    Its important to realise many many poor male celebrate ( workers reside in Dubai of Pakistani origin, also of strict Muslim upbringing. They are not from Dubai and I suspect it is predominantly these who do the staring at western women, and the squatting on toilet seats which is their only experience back home.
    I would say that if young Dubai men have joined the habits of the immigrant workers shame on them.
    It was my own experience that Dubai men, of all Islamic countries I’ve ever visited, were a little too proud to debase themselves as regards ogling western women (or creating mess in their environment ref the toilets). In fact I always sensed a superiority in every way from both men and women born and raised IN Dubai, but let’s not forget that the population of Dubai now comprises people from many neighboring countries. Alas it sounds as if the fast track mixing of the two polarised east/ west cultures could well have changed the status quo in Dubai since I was last there 5 only years ago.
    We westerners must also blame our own compatriots for this, I’ve seen women behaving very “badly” throughout the Muslim world, just because it is so very possible to do so. Just as we may accuse other nations of being unable to perceive the rights and freedoms of for example US (totally true – even as a Brit I find the US many notches higher than anywhere else on earth) we are guilty ourselves of being unable to perceive how a harmless fling with one of an extraordinary huge availability of often handsome charismatic Arabs can be perceived from a totally different vantage point.
    Unfortunately, en masse, we give a false impression and that comes back to bite us. It IS false, we do of course have morals and standards, but as our heritage has developed along a very different path, to the Muslim observer who has not travelled we can sometimes exhibit behaviour which is frankly at best to be scorned, at worst abhorrent.
    This may just be among his colleagues or mates, but an impression of western women and the fathers and brothers who in their perception have anything to do with such matters, builds up.
    I have likewise met the western wives of Muslim men who, when accompanied by their family, are given nothing but respect and hospitality in public. The same woman alone becomes a piece of meat sitting on a public table. But that is just my perception as a western woman, guilty of probably just not being able to see from the other side.
    Indeed it seemed to me the native Dubai-ans, men and women, made a conscientious effort to have intellectual or direct and friendly contact with foreigners, whilst certainly the poor Pakistanis at the beach in underpants (as too poor to even buy swimming trunks) could not raise their stares above the navels of sunbathing women.
    Of course young women will be semi naked on a beach and the Pakistani workers sure don’t go there to swim.
    It is an ugly set of circumstances, uncomfortable for western visitors, but I suggest that steps to move towards a resolution to east/ west cultural understanding is more dialogue, more patience, more effort, not less, on all sides.
    Driving and roads of course are another matter, the US has the safest roads I’ve seen… Unless you drive down the wrong one and get shot by rough sleeping drug addicts. I think the worst chaos traffic-wise I’ve seen was in Cairo. And I’m not surprised to hear about the prolific prostitution. Seems like Dubai has similar social issues developing to many other countries.
    Verdict: take a vacation there before you decide to move there.

    • man she is right it happens in dubai.. i live here and almost wht ever she said it happens in dubai admit this.. i live in dubai n i love it bc is muslim country but it has flaws as well.. not all tht she says is true but 80 percent is truth

  122. IFY, most rapes + crimes and traffic comes with the different culture that mostly VISITORS such like you come to live in DUBAI. yes Dubai is a haven on earth to live in PS we don’t have taxes . and if you hated so much keep your dirty thought for your self and keep yourself out of our ” best paradise” 🙂 peas sucker!!

  123. Honestly … My friend no place in this world is Useless …if you believe in God then you must know he made nothing futile .. People are living here way back when America was even discovered and i know your right to some extent but not all what you said is true

    • ….this “damned muslim country” is one that has accomplished so much before you could even finish your sentence. There is no need to take it out on the religion, I may find your country ridiculously terrible to live in but that’s for me to keep and you to never know. Have some respect as no one is perfect AND no one gives a shit what you think….

    • For collecting Money invest and do some business with exterior countries and to make the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer Only no more no less

    • Why does every fucking white person hate Islam if ur religion was good you would have followed and not become racist beer drinking people who have too much sex

  124. silly americans! wonder when these shit scared ppl (bet most of’em still sleeps in bunkers shitting in their pants thinking of laden) will get a real life!

  125. silly americans! bet they still sleeps in their bunkers shitting in their pants thinking about laden! get a life ‘ghountrymen’!

  126. Dubai is not safe that’s for sure. Its all superficial. World’s worst sin human trafficking happens here. workers are treated as slaves like animal. They are harassed and mentally tortured. Passports are held and you are not allowed to leave. Recent story, newly wed couple went for honeymoon from India and met one Shaikh while touring. They exchanged their numbers. after two days shaikh invited this couple for party. Poor couple, they went to attend party. Shaikh told the husband wife not allowed to sit together, so husband sent his newly wedded wife to other room thinking that all women would be there. After few hrs, husband told they would like to leave and requested to call his wife. Shaikh showed his true color. Shaikh said there is no wife in his house. You can leave now or I will beat you and throw you away. Poor guy, newly wedded husband still looking for his wife. His wife missing since then. Government not helping out. Woman are not safe here. they are treated as sex object. I request not to visit Dubai Ever.

  127. I think you really must travel around the world a little more to list the above as the problems which makes a city unlivable.
    -people are happy here.
    -the reason laborers are willing to live without their passports and at the mercy of their sponsors is cause they have a fair shot of a life in comparison to begging on the streets and being forced into a gang back in their home country.
    -being stared at, you might be standing out. There are way too many expats for a blonde, fair skin or blue eyes being an attribute to :o!!!
    -Also, the fake trees etc.. read a little about the history of Dubai. It was nothing but SAND and not very long ago. To make it livable, this is their conclusion.
    -Crime rate and safety is not a concern for the most part if you have a little bit of common sense. Most other countries require more than just that.
    -I feel sad that you went to clubs and bars and were mistaken as a prostitute. We all know those places, and we all know the caliber and that is oh well, just such a pity you were mistaken for one.
    -At least we got marijuana and crime scene sorted. There are busts that take place to minimize prostitution.
    -women are safe.
    -there is a helpline number if you are walking on the street or driving and are being minutely harassed.
    -There are way too many police cars patrolling. I have no idea how you could miss those.
    -I have lived in Dubai for 25 years now, and every little point you picked on has been worked on with dedication and the difference is visible.
    -Also, i am glad you no longer belong here, don’t think we need more of you in Dubai.
    Hope you’re happy and can come up with a few less negative about the place you currently reside in. 20 some points are easy to pick for even places you really love. Just saying.

    • Well said.. The 20 reasons above are from a very bitter person who most likely bolted when the recession hit Dubai leaving a ‘car’ load of debt at the airport! good riddance!

  128. Very True article !!! must consider before moving to country like this? Here we cannot believe and cheating in many ways

  129. ‘havent been to dubai ever’ you’re actually stupid lol so how do you know anything about Dubai when you haven’t even been there. sorry to say you’re stupid, but it’s true.
    Dubai is the best place to be. all positives from my perspective.

  130. This is a fairly standard American responser to Dubai. There are few more insular nations than the US, which is ironic, as it’s not an island. The number of factual inaccuracies is fairly astonishing, too.

  131. That really made no sense at all. I mean at all. Why dont people like you read the history of UAE and know what it was and where has it reached? Tell me where would you find a more inspiring leader who taught the country to dream and make it happen? UAE has the best roads in the world and has been ranked No. 1 recently by WEF. The country’s women wear the black dress (Abaya) not only of the religous matters, also it is a dress which would cover your whole body for those who do not want to expose their 98% to the public. And I really lost my respect for this article when you notified that you hardly saw any patrolling police cars. A country of peafe, love, culture, traditions, prosperity, brotherhood,festivals and a caring livelihood.




      • I was there a very long time. Traffic, ah yeah! The cars were speeding by so fast that an driver his one of the workers on the road. Municipality road workers on Sheik Zayad, well it was terrible the body was in half. I can’t believe they would have them poor people out there cleaning the these fast paced roads. It was awful I’ll never forget.
        And safe, no I was a victim just walking in my villa when a man with a stocking over his face tried to put a rope on my neck, I wouldn’t let the rope tightened, and I got away and the jerk had the nerve to ring our bell which of course showed a pic, but you really couldnt even tell who it was. An the police rang the bell to the gates too. So if anything happens and your in your own villa, the killer could get a second chance cause you don’t know who is at the door. Safe, heck no. My villa was broken into twice and when they didn’t get anything from us they jumped into the other villas.
        They just don’t report crimes. I already know. Totally hidden all the facts.


  133. Money is not everything people believe me and trust me i know everything of this world using my heart not my brian Money doesn’t buy happiness i’m telling this straightly to Rich People but its buy angerness sadness depression and show off at the poor people and weak people The fucking devil wants us to deceive us with his whispering shit inside the ears to the brains i’m not saying money is useless and worthless no but it cannot buy everything and build everything because its just a piece of fucking paper printed in the factory same as the gold so god have mercy on this world and forgive it because it don’t know what its doing read the bible on google by search bible on money or search it from the bible itself and u will know what i’m talking about Amen god bless u all of u use ur heart people and eyes not ur brains always and thank u

  134. Well, Dubai is voted the safest city with more than 200 nationalities whereas the us comes in second place
    as for the blocked sites just download hotspot shield
    mail – they just call you and they deliver it to you and you can have a po box which is easier its a mailbox
    taxis RENT A CAR
    directions – Google maps
    7 – i agree
    8- whats wrong with technology and try calling a cop he’ll be there in a sec
    people stare at you? for your info people here travels every summer to Europe so seeing a blue eyes girl is something less than interesting for us. and do you think we have no one that looks like that here? and girls here are BEAUTIFUL if you haven’t noticed.
    12 – Respect are culture just like we respect yours, Whats wrong with that?
    13- not true
    14- well if it isn’t your child, its not your concern
    15 – va cays are endless here
    most importantly number 6
    i said it before and ill say it again. they come by their choice and theirs alone.
    week ends are friday saturday, how many days in the week is your weekend again?

    • I second you H. You are right. I am Canadian expat who lived 9 years in the US. Security level is disastrous there (Va), people carrying weapons, killing at schools, …. talking about culture, I still do not understand how it is acceptable to see someone having his feet on the desk in respectful companies…. In all cases, UAE and the Gulf in general is a place for making money. Period! Looking at the bright side will be more beneficial for the readers. It is a plus to be able to drink alcohol, living in a great tower, wearing the way you want, having a very high level of security, women rights, and much more! Dubai night life has nothing to envy Ibiza or St Tropez! Can you imagine having your contract in KSA, Sudan, Nigeria, Koweit, Afghanistan,…
      (I do agree though that the customer service is way behind the acceptable level)…
      So, if you have a good contract in UAE it is really worth moving there!

    • This must be the same person Amal or H. You seem to have the same dialogue. Since when have you respected our culture? I respected yours! I was there, had four children there. Not talking about beauty as far as staring goes. Thats just a fact, Thats the way it is there. I wore hijjab, covered all that stuff and still got stared at, so it makes no difference. Thats great you think you have beautiful women! Were not taking about beauty, We’re talking about staring. Most of Dubai has more Hindi than your own nationals. You want me to go on! And a lot originally from Iran but later got the Emirates passport. So its just the people how they are, that’s what they do there. Stare! LOL. Yes! So maybe we should have respect. And it doesn’t matter if you cover or not they just stare to stare! Your making this as an issue with foreigners. Everybody had problems with that and I had friends from there in the UAE and men hit on them, my friends all wore hijjab and had husbands. But oh I forgot yeah we can report you guys right?! AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU REPORT A MAN DOING THIS TO A MARRIED WOMAN IN DUBAI! THEY GO TO JAIL! SO CAREFUL BUDDY, YOU COULD BE THERE TOMORROW AND SEE HOW MUCH HAVE TO SAY IN HOT JAIL IN DUBAI

  135. THANKS FOR THE WARNING! We will never go! We already never cared for that place just because of their strange laws and religion. Now we are armed with more reasons!

    • This is not a warning, most of the points made above are false, based on nothing, and should not influence you into not visiting a major part of the world. And just because they are different, you “do not care for them”!? How shallow…

  136. Everything is true. I lived there for five years and also known some Emirati locals, women and men. The worst thing is if you criticize their country they will first try to defend it or freak out directly. The men are fucking everything and enjoy life while their sisters have to stay at home and stay virgins. Most hypocrated city ever

  137. I live in Dubai now, and OMFG the city is a piece of crap. I will leave this desert hopefully soon and never ever come again to any middle easterian city.
    Before coming to Dubai, I thought people say shit about it because of jealousy, but now I know the truth. Any European, US, Canadian or some Asian cities are much much better.

  138. I don’t know hey, I have been here 6 months now and am a 21 year old sad sad girl as i cannot seem to find genuine friends or good people to be surrounded by. everybody i have met just wanna drink, go shopping, shisha, take selfies and instagram their lives all the time. so bored here man but i don’t blame the city i blame the shitty people

  139. 1. Adress has always worked for me and I often get things delivered to my house without problems.
    2. Well it is in fact prohibited by the culture. You can’t except everyone to do what you want to if you live in a country with a different culture. And with a little knowledge, everything is hackable on the internet.
    3. It’s Dubai, what did you except ? That’s why there is air conditioning everywhere.
    4. Then don’t come to Dubai.
    5. It is glitz and glamorous and normal toilets are everywhere.
    6. They come here willingly and make a better living here than in their original country, ask them.
    7. Well it is Dubai.
    8. Don’t break the law and whine afterwards. Police is absolutely everywhere today. They already give a 20km/h above the limit before being flashed, so read more instead of talking.
    9. Learn to respect the culture or don’t come here.
    10. Since when is it illegal to look at ? In some countries, those men would grab you and slap your ass. They are pretty respectful here. And if you are stared at for being a prostitute, you should start asking questions about how you dress and look. People judge on that after all. If you get out with boobs out and ass out in a country that learned to respect the woman’s body instead of showing everything, you will be confused for one.
    11. Like every country.
    12. It is a muslim country after all.
    13. You are only here because you work after all.
    14. Mind your own business.
    15. Is it that complicated to get used to ? Seriously ? “omg weekend is not on the same day” ?
    16. Buy the other channels.
    18. Luckily, the town is pretty small.
    19. Well we do have money, we got to show it. And some people here value privacy.
    20. Again, if you love the environment, why would you even come here ?

    • I didn’t really read all of what you said because you obviously don’t know what your talking about and its late. Let me tell you something about Dubai police. Did you know 2 Dubai police were hung in Dubai in 1989. Bet you didnt know that. I was there. For what for rape along with an Omani. Hung by the old mosque near Al Rashid road. There are problems with any country. I lived there 14 years. So yes instead of the police chasing woman, maybe they should do their job. I know, I was chased, until I raised my daughter who was a baby at the time so they’d leave me alone. So just swallow your pride cause you don’t fool me. To deny is just arrogance! Many many stories.

    • Well Said Amal. People who are following stupid culture thinks that is the heaven… But Dubai is absolutely better. Noone will peep in to your privacy and freedom. No White-black discrimination. All considered equal. I can read a jealousy in her words because whites are not stepped up or given additional preference here like other countries does.

    • They want to come & earn to make their lives better cuase they can’t in their own countries or toilets. But nothing in this is perfecct so they find out bad events and brag about them to dirty the name of Dubai. Why do you even come here in first place live in your gutter and earn there if you are so jealous of a Muslim country being praised for a change. (it’s only being targeted cuz its a muslim state) They only hate it cuz of that…Most of the things they try to mention were about abt ‘you know cuz its a Muslim state thats why police officer rape women” ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! were you living under rock or something. What abt your own country where women are raped on roads in open and nobody cares. Politicians are involved in rape cases and so are police and marine officer who offer their wives to higher ranking officers to higher their ranks.May be you don’t know but these are FACTS.
      STOP hating everything related to Muslims cuz they ruled on you for a 1000 years & yet your religion survived. If they would have done exactly what they are accused of not a single person in India would be hindu COMMON SENSE!
      I’m usually polite but sometimes enough is enough SO SHUT THE HELL UP YOU MONKEY WORSHIPPER ASHOLES

  140. Ha! You’ve put into right words the thoughts I have in mind. This is all true. Not all place is perfect even my own country. I respect their culture and traditions but there are some things here that doesn’t makes sense to me. The environment is not even family friendly. Expats can work here for so long, even their whole life, but cannot obtain citizenship applications and privileges..unlike to some open countries. Another thing, whether we like it or not, your salary pay depends on your nationality or race no matter what your job title and position is. There are two secretaries in one company. One is European, the other is Filipina. They both have the same job position and workloads ( or most often not) but when asked about their salaries, The Filipina receives 3000 Dirhams monthly while the European receives 15,000 dirham’s a month. Go figure. I can enumerate more instances but I think the blog above has stated enough. While there are some good things Dubai has to offer but its pros are outweighed by its cons. Such a boring country with full of contradictions.

  141. Dude all ur reasons are fucked up dubai is the best place to be in the world I think the real fucked up place is the U.S filled al the fat white people who only eat at K.F.C OR McDonald’s and drink beer 10 times a day and have sex 6 times a day have some shame and as for the religion it’s not weird it’s actually better than urs so put a sock in it all ur reasons are fake

  142. Oh, dear… One thing is having your own opinions and another thing is being negative ad bitter. Dubai is not perfect but has a huge amount of positive things that you obviously can’t see. I feel sorry for your negative outlook and hope some day you manage to see all the positive things that every place can offer. Good luck!
    And sorry to point at this but… are you sure all men were staring at you??!! Dubai is packed with very good looking blond blue eyed and fair skinned girls. You might be such a stunner that nobody can’t take their eyes off you! LOL

  143. Can I ve a friend that is a citizen of dubia here or anyone that has visited am ordeady concluded plans to be there pls here is my Emall adrs jacolink@yahoo. Come thank

  144. I was considering a job opportunity in Dubai but now IF I take it, I will declare myself stupid for moving from Hawaii to Dubai! NO WAY I’m giving up my freedom of holding hands or letting other people dictate my life style.

    • I hope you are not going to base a major life decision like moving to a new city on an unreliable, mostly false, biased, and crappy article you found on the internet written by some embittered woman who has nothing better to do than insult a city she does not really know, you are in for a boring life. I hope that you reconsider, since Dubai is a fantastic place to live, and the best way to create change is to participate in it. Is it really that hard to refrain from holding hands in public? I think not.

  145. Well guys, the ones who criticize dubai, know something”better”, the ones who criticize those who criticize dubai do not probably know something better. The article is sarcasmly right, though I came back to dubai because i still like it. lol

  146. True, and much more, its simply a fake illusion, a commercial company mannaged by fear, I was born and raised there and I never felt alive untill I left it.
    Dont go there unless you are a person who would sacrefice everything for money, because thats what the country is all about.

  147. Living in the USA from paycheck to paycheck and eating fast food is not my cup of tea. DUBAI ROCKS! It is expensive if you and your husband had shitty jobs. Shame on you both considering as you so put it white people get paid higher!!!!!!!

  148. My married life was good until my husband started travelling to dubai on business. that is when his tryst with hookers began. I was completely unaware of things until I started showing symptoms of STDs. with 2 small children and having been a homemaker all along and therefore dependent on my husband economically, my life today is in complete shambles. I have nothing but CURSES for DUBAI!! May this place, that has ruined my peace and the well being of my children see RUIN!! May the city be destroyed by the arrogance of it’s rulers who cannot fathom the unimaginable pain and havoc it has created in the lives of countless women like me!! MAY DUBAI BE RUINED FOREVER!!!

    • well im from dubai and you guys have hookers that have STD’s this is 2015 there’s hookers everywhere now .. and this is your husband’s fult for hooking up with hoes not dubai and for your information prostituting is iligel here in dubai so you husbend was the one looking for them it wasent dubai who gave it to him

    • You cannot blame your husband’s poor choices on a city. And as Ahmad rightly pointed out, prostitution is illegal in the UAE, so he had to go looking for them, which means that wherever he travelled, he would have sought out prostitutes.

  149. the writer only counting the faults here….
    my dear every system and community have some faults but its dose’t mean that u can not stay there…
    currently i am in Abu Dhabi and i like this life really i love UAE…

  150. muslims treat girls like slaves and loves to rape a non muslim girl.. is this even a religion? this absolute brainwashing.. muslims better fuck their kind.. not girls but all guys..

    • First of all, I think your username is one of the most offensive things I have ever seen on the internet, not only is it insulting a whole religion, it is also stereotyping them all. Not all muslims are the same as the one idiot you’ve met. I’m muslim and proud and I have never one heard of a muslim not treating girls right. Secondly, you have absolutely no right to comment publicly about this big of a religion because you may not know this, but us Emiratis tend to have a bit of temper. And a lot of connections. And a lot of money. So if there’s something bothering you, keep your mouth shut, otherwise bad things will start happening to you.

      • Well said Tatiana! When you compare Islam to all the other principal religions, you cannot accuse them of being more cruel than anyone else. They are the punching bag of the moment, but the crusades were no better than what religious extremists are doing right now across the Arabian Peninsula. And to the person who has an incredibly offensive username, if you had ever left the comfort of your home, you would know that the world is very different than the stereotypes you seem to live by.

        • Dear Julien,
          Thanks for instilling some sense into people. I’m impressed by your knowledge and education and wish people thought more like you. I’m a Muslim as well and if it makes any difference from Pakistan. Bottom of the food chain as people see it. When I read or hear such comments, I don’t get angry instead I feel sorry for how ignorant people can be.

  151. The prophet of islam said : the day ‘d be parted in 3 times : one to work ,one for leisure, activiy, prayer ,ect and one to rest.
    Arabs of Dubai followed the path of protestats , wich followed the pah of jews.
    Work time become the main time of their daily life. This create a unbalance and shitan now is playing with them.
    May Allah guide you before it destroy your city. And truly the day of his chatisment is near.

  152. Been to Dubai! All true! Can’t find a damn address, laborers from third world countries are treated horribly, all that flash and bling but nothing cultured or soulful about it. Also I was never so scared when a man followed me from my hotel lobby where my husband was waiting so i could get something from my hotel room. I lost the stalker by getting off on the wrong floor with other people and follow others back down in the elevator back to the lobby to my husband. My husband wanted to open a company in UAE, but decided against it after he saw how the poor immigrant engineers were treated there. One of them still begs him to start a company in dubai. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to visit there. Once was enough. Most of the people going on about Dubai have never been elsewhere. Places where there are great museums, galleries, universities, lectures, arts, theatre, orchestras, opera houses, ballet companies……by comparison Dubai is all shiny on the outside and hollow on the inside. Its like a poor cousin who came into a lot of money suddenly and doesn’t know what to do with it. You can’t even show affection there. Oh, and customer service sucks big time. Also, wasn’t much impressed with their workd dining.

  153. I love UAE. It’s a beautiful country to live in. You seem to be an ignored or failed blonde who came to this country with a lot of dreams in your eyes and mind but then you couldn’t get anything out of it due to your incompetency and now you started crying like a baby!!! I’ve been living here since almost 10 years and I love being here. Keep on burning in your own fire, do not bring it to us please!!!!

  154. Let me just begin with a lovely quote i mutter from time to time; “FUCK EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST” ; I HOPE WE BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF YOU until you become the sand from which you came. I am very much open to all races and ideas, I definitely do not discriminate as my GF is from IRAN and I am the Blue eyed devil you wish you were. We are shocked at how pathetic your cultures, religion, terrible taste in clothing and stupid flashy cars etc. . . are. You are a joke, even on our sitcoms. The way you treat women just shows signs of your terrible insecurities. You males all look the same and are all perverted creepy fucks, and I have yet to spot a decent looking “gentleman”. Yet your beautiful women you cover up because of your unscrupulous shameful society. Please stop pumping out more miserable brainwashed children that we are ashamed of and throw away your useless religious texts. myself with billions of other know you are too ignorant to change and move forward, you are stuck in the 12th century. Some think there is HELL after death but I feel as if we are already there every time i have to read about any shit you morons are apart of. Don’t wait for me to say i told you so, when I see you douchebags in hell.

    • What kind of bug crawled up your ass? Please do not say you speak for “Everyfuckingwhiteguy” because we are not all as stupid, bigoted, small minded, uneducated, and uncultured as you are, some of us have lived abroad, and are able to appreciate the world we live in today, and appreciate the people who represent the future of the world. You claim to be open minded, with your Iranian girlfriend, but you hate the region she came from, how proud she must be. A small precision, the United States is no more advanced (culturally) than the Middle East, and you Sir, are the living, breathing, proof of that. The Middle East certainly has it’s flaws, although the United States does too. Your racist, and bigoted opinions do not set you appart from slave drivers in the 18th century. The fact that you think that people in the Middle East would want to be a “blue eyed devil like [you]” is surely news to them, and the rest of the world, since they have shown signs of attempting to improve, while you remain stuck in the centuries past, bitter about seeing other people move on in life, while the US stagnates. Also, your statement “I definitely do not discriminate” is one of the most useless things I have ever seen, since you hope that everyone in the Middle East gets killed by American bombs… Furthermore, the way CERTAIN white people treat black people in the United States is no different, if not worse, than the way CERTAIN Arabs treat their women. And lastly, the Middle East is moving forward, changing, and evolving, while you Sir, are stuck in some past century, lamenting the rise of other nations, religions, and people. I truly feel sorry for you, and I hope you grow up, open your eyes, and realise what kind of a world you live in.

    • wtf get your head out of your ass.. you arent “very much open to all races” obviously
      stop stereotyping middle eastern people
      also wtf “i hope we bomb the shit out of you” ummmm you do know that there are thousands of Americans living in the middle east right?
      stop being so ignorant

  155. I didn’t even want to finish the article because I personally believe that you are being VERY negative. I have never been to Dubai so I cannot say for sure, but is there truly nothing positive about the city? NOTHING? I mean, based on what my relatives there said, people are super nice, the food is fantastic, and the schools are great! Sorry to say, but this article is crappy.

  156. The person who wrote this blog is sick…utter sick..blogs are not places to vent out shit….see the language…third world fourth world…..racist stupid…this blog is like the person who wrote it..what to say more..well I have seen public toilets in U.S not cleaned for weeks if not months….do you know the crime statistics of U.S ? you may be a 4th standard dropout….thats your level atleast…..if you had some knowledge you would have done some real comparison …..atleast some fact finding……and America the whole world is impressed about you lol….see ure movies….does a single one emphasis on human relations and values ? All aliens…superman..spiderman…it is as unrealistic as you…btw the way you described I can figureout how u look…

  157. I think that this article is very one-sided! I know people who live there and they don’t complain about anything… It is a pity that there are many cheap workers who are being exploited…. but Dubai is in a third world country after all!

    • Doesnt the same thing happen in america ?!??!?! Mexicans get exploited like hell. Stop bashing on dubai soo much. Your arrgoant cunt face. WTF?! I have never heard of any white women getting looked like that ( the way you said). Ive been living in Dubai for more than you do and i know how this place is. Stop spreading fake propoganda’s westerner, you act like america is the best country in the world but its the opposite.
      This article really pissed the fuck out of me.
      Gosh your such an idiot
      And also im not a local so im not being biased
      And who are you to judge if you havent even been there idiot! If you werent there than who were you talking about?!
      You really are stupid

      • I have spent a lot of time in the USA and Dubai and dont think you can compare them. Dubais closed minded and restrictive culturally hatefull laws make it one of the most pathetic places on the planet

  158. I don’t understand why people get so aggressive. if you don’t agree – just say so and why – let the discussion continue. For me this blog made me smile because I found it true. It is after all labeled the 20 worst things about Dubai – we can do another one saying the 20 best things can’t we? All places have good and bad and of course it depends on your own personal experience and back ground. For me, one major bad thing about Dubai, is the lack of protection for women being abused in a marriage, this needs serious attention (google it). Despite all of that – I love Dubai. Can it be better of course it can but come and enjoy the good things it has to offer and stay on the right side of the law!!!

    • I agree with mistertoshwell, the article did not say – This is Dubai for you. So it depends on your experience. There are things that are better here than in my home country. At the same time, settling in Dubai is a Big no-no for me. I rather live in a tax paying country with my family, friends…

  159. You forgot having to allow an extra 45mins to any car journey that requires you getting fuel as the petrol station queues are always 10 deep at each pump no matter the time of day!

  160. this is execly about Dubai nothing new but my friend you forget 1 more point if you resign or want to change your job employer but ban 6 mounts, 1 year, or wors so thing twice before arive in this place

  161. The article is a peice of crap. First get a licence here. Its not but u being white ass. First of all the country has favoured whites a lot so if ur not luckibg there are many more. For a u turn yes. And the infrastructure used to even make that u turn.. ur pathatic us wont even spend on a building .. leave alone ur houses made of wood.. yes the internet blocks.. from when is porn so important to u writer.. the cabs sit and drive the whole day and theu paidless and they respect back also.. not in ur missarable country called usa.

  162. I have some friends, American and Jordanian, living in Dubai, including my brother and cousin. Honestly, the only thing I heard them complain about so far was the heat. My cousin attempted to have a barbeque gathering, outdoors; and told me that about 5 minutes later he said “F— this S— it’s so damn hot” and took the food back inside.
    Oh, he did complain about the internet too. he couldn’t visit any of his favorite porn sites 🙂
    However, both, my brother and cousin, are having a very good time over there.
    In my opinion, for a young guy who just wants to make money, have his beer on weekends and get laid, Dubai would be a perfect place to live. But if you had moved to Dubai and you weren’t into clubs and women, or if you were “a woman”, then I guess you’re screwed.

  163. Hot … yes its very very hot here in uae.. and every body keep looking at you for no reasons.. not an environmental friendly at all.. life is very expensive here.. I agree with you on most of the points.. except the one related to local women dresses as this is part of the religion yes wearing black is not making sense to me as Islam asks to cover all the body but face and hand not to be covered.. but it is not in Islam to wear black I think its they choose black because it is more respected here..

  164. It’s real. Dubai is not a place to reside for a long time. Can’t believe someone knows the country so well without visiting. You must be kidding. You seem to know UAE so well. This is not a safe place. Especially for women and follows islam, the law is so biased. Freedom of opinion and ideas leave it aside if you plan to work in UAE.

  165. This article is nothing but a bunch to twisted lies , and here are some points that the author got ” wrong ” if not on purpose then for spite. As for the address issue. You are wrong dubai is divided into areas for example ( business bay, jbr , down town , difc, the streets are named and the buildings are named so are the buildings,
    The internet issue porn is blocked yes, but voip isn’t in fact I just got of the phone with my mother who lives back home calling her on voip provided by skype, if the author is referring to whats app calling service that’s it’s inabled for licensing issues not becouse it’s bad, another example is apples face time which doesn’t work in most countries around the world ( it’s a business desicion
    As for the weather . I don’t think the good people of the uae chose to live in such tempreture , but even under these conditions they were able through out history to survive and thrive. And today the Uae takes pride in its ability to work around these harsh conditions and make their country beautiful.
    The one point I had to comment on was the one in regards to the traditional emarati outfits , the author shows a lack of respect and narrow mindedness , as every one can choose what to wear in the Uae, from revealing hot shorts to the black vail, it is isnt the authors place to even comment on this topic
    Many would also take offense with the authers claim that ppl would be starring at her, it makes me feel as if the author is talking about a different place. I can find you a handful of people in 2 minuets who would say they feel more safe and comfortable and welcomed in dubai than they do in their own countries
    Telephone lines and TV network . Any one can buy a mobile phone with no permission required . Just provide a passport and get your new mobile number for any of the many outlets
    TV network are among the best . Osn is one of the largest , and they offer episodes form American TV shows unsensored the very same day it is released in the usa
    As for alcohol consumption , there are more than a handful of places offering alcohol in dubai in fact most places do. As for buying alcohol , yes one must drive to ajman to do so which is 30 minutes away, but I would like to point out the author that some counties in Texas also Requir ppl to buy their alcohol form a certain outlet located fare from the city . This is not unique to dubai. But the truth is dubai has one of the best night life experiences in the world and I know my night life
    I am not going to comment on ever point but one last point I find my self needing to address is the environmental impact of dubai , the Uae in general and dubai specificly have been the pioneers in trying to save energy and reducing their carbon foot print , unlike the us dubai doesn’t use coal to produce energy , the Uae never had an oil spill , and one mention masdar city in Abu Dahbi which is the 1st green city in the world.
    I don’t know why the author would want to paint to dubai in such a way, but regardless of the reason the truth is dubai is highly regulated, and well organized and operates in a way that makes it unique to other cities , every one must follow the laws even if they deemed unimportant . But that is way dubai is among the safest places on earth, you will never have your pocket picked In dubai. Nor will you be kidnaped by a taxi driver , every thing is on cctv and every one is monitored
    Dubai is a special place , it’s the new land of opportunity and every one should be lucky enough to come and enjoy the many treasures that dubai offers

  166. This article is very wrong! The author hasn’t even been to Dubai. How could you judge? I’ve been living in Dubai for more than seven years and there are many wrongs in what is said above. First of all, the workers’ passports are taken from them not because they’re scared that they’ll go away but because otherwise the workers will sell their passports for a lot of money. If women and men who are local are dressed like that it’s because of their religion. So we have no rights to offend them. You might find it stupid but please refrain from posting it on the internet! Of course for some points the author was right and I’m sure she/he didn’t mean to offend anyone but I’m just pointing out that she/he could of maybe found out more before judging. That’s all.

    • no, you should definately visit, Dubai is a tourist hotspot and should be just that. This articles mainly about living here, which i mostly agree with. But as a holiday, I’d say Dubai would be great, great hotels, beaches, waterparks, malls, clubs.. the whole lot. If you decide to live here though, Dubai will slowly suck the life out of you and get you used to the most ridiculous ways of life anywhere. I may sound like I’m contradicting myself here a little, but to sum it up. visit for a holiday… definitely. Move out here… absolutely NOT.

  167. RE: 5
    There’s no such thing as a 7-star hotel. Common misconception that people who have never been to Dubai have.
    RE 16:
    In Dubai we get series like Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, The Daily Show, etc on the same day – or day after – they are first screened in the US. But anyway, we all use BitTorrent here and get ad-free downloads like most people around the world.

  168. Dubai and Abu Dhabi have done pretty well for themselves in the past 40 years. They modernize themselves but they still stay true to their culture in their architecture and way of life.
    Malls can be boring but the malls in the UAE are way more interesting than the ones in other parts of the world. They have themes, a wide collection of American, European and British stores (which, as a Brit, I absolutely adore), cheap brands and designer brands. True, if you want to spend some money, it’s better. But there’s always something for everyone at the mall: movie theaters, ice rinks, bowling alleys, restaurants… There is always something to do for everybody and if you bother to look online, you can join communities with people like you and find things to do together.
    -Also, public bathrooms in all the fancy hotels and malls are always clean and always have attendants.
    -Blocking websites can be annoying but it’s not our business. It definitely has its advantages especially for raising children.
    -Also, for raising children, the UAE is a great place. The access to underage drinking and drugs is very limited. But it is better for students who finish high school to leave the UAE to get work experience.
    – Prostitution IS illegal and you make it sound like it’s easy to get away with. It’s not. It’s also unheard of depending on the circles you mix with.
    -It’s unbearably hot in July and August. Otherwise, it’s just warm and the winter months are just beautiful.
    -Think there are few trees/plants? It’s called sustainability (also known as Estidama). Please remember this is a desert!!! It’s not a tropical country with rains or a Western country with all four seasons. And they do a great job of air conditioning everything.
    -The workers are exploited – true but not all true. The UAE has given jobs to so many people from South Asia – from construction workers to white collar employees.
    -Workers may smell sometimes, but that’s because they are in the heat and don’t invest in deodorant. Don’t judge. You barely have to move with them for more than 5 minutes.
    The UAE is a great place to live in for a few years, raise your kids, make some money, meet people from all around the world, improve your sense of taste, become more open minded to Eastern cultures and have a taste of ‘Arabian life’ without living in fear of anything.
    Thanks for reading.

    • Thanks Laura! I completely agree with you. People over analyze the downside when it comes to relocating to Dubai. It is a much better place than what people think. Only those who have lived in Dubai can tell you how good it is. It is a mini-globe in itself with such a multi-cultural environment, almost not crime, quality infrastructure…..and above all, a desire to build a world class modern state and city. I have been living here for last 7 years and have seen this place getting better….it must be one of the most well governed cities in the world. Read about the vision of the ruler and what he talked about in the “conference on governance” just yesterday……and it’s all true….not a political speech. UAE remains and Dubai in particular, is an ideal place for citizens or residents.

  169. You better go and F/U/C/K Yourself before write anything about Dubai, you motherfucker idiot stupid ass, look at your nasty face, you don’t even know the geographical location of Dubai.

  170. I’m 16 lived here before but originally from Australia I can not explain how much I can relate and understand everything you just said, should have added how the education is shitty and over priced it has become a joke to me when people say Dubai greatest place ever these people skipped the basics and hide it with their tall towers and slavery.

  171. IF you’re open minded enough you would accept the idea of everyone can wear whatever they want! if women are wearing black abayas when it’s super hot, let them do it , what’s the problem? it’s their culture you need to respect that. IF you don’t like to live in Dubai just leave! some people are not made to live here but you won’t find this luxurious lifestyle & quality of life elsewhere…

  172. I lived in Dubai for 17 years from 1979 to 1994.All i can say is what did i do to deserve that sentence Hell on Earth and just as hot.Women calling me ghabar prostitute for no reason i was covered just because i am white.The Arab women hate us because they know their husbands can’t leave us alone and lust after all white girls because the men think they are all irrisistable sex Gods.I once had an Indian wanking on my car as i walked toward it with my friend.Another Indian got his dick out when i was walking with my two year old daughter in the town.Another got into my building lift with me and my daughter and kept touching himself.It is a dirty disgusting place.The men are the lowest of low obsessed with sex because they can’t get it.The no drinking laws are a farce they all go to the desert night time and get drunk.Europeans only go for money not because they want to live there.Every Friday all the mosques start shouting politics Amriki this Amriki that I thought the mosques were for God and prayers not a political debate!!!!I would not send my worst enemy there.Pity they can’t buy manners and decency with all their money.

    • Auuuhhhh if you don’t like Dubai then leave , it’s their culture you say. Lmao I feel the same as you but in the United States. If you don’t like OUR Culture then leave. YES YES that is what we are saying too. JUST LEAVE, stay in a country where you like the culture. Lmao

  173. I am from the US. I have been here for 2 months and my husband has been here 4 years. Dubai isn’t perfect and somethings are different. But if someone from Dubai went to the area I have lived in the US they would run back to Dubai. I came to Dubai to get away from the craziness of shootings, robberies, and other violence that has taken over my area. I was tired of police officers being shot for sport, people breaking into my home and taking whatever they wanted and explaining to my children why they can not play in the front yard or ride their bikes to a friends house. I gave up several things to come here and I would do it all again to keep my children safe and to spend time with their father. I came here expecting it to be much worse and have been surprise with how welcoming Dubai can be. Its not easy and only an entitled minded person would expect life to be so easy!

  174. I’ve lived here since 1989 , and although the author has not got somethings right, I can vouch that 90% of it is more or less true. As people living in Dubai, we must come to terms with reality and not bury our heads in the sand. What this author highlights, although a bit viciously, are seldom mentioned in the newspapers in this country, because free, open debate on these topics is vastly discouraged. So much so that I get the impression that expats who work here and suffer some of this would rather remain quiet and take the abuse than lose their jobs, get arrested or lose the freedom to ever get back into the country. In some ways, it is a selfishness of all who live here, because if they know living conditions and comfort are great/ideal for them, they don’t tend to complain.
    So yes, Dubai offers some advantages to the expat worker in terms of a tax free environment, but it is under stress in several key issues. The EXPO 2020 is coming to Dubai, and I hope this will be an opportunity for the city to take a pragmatic, organic approach to growth, laws, policies and treatment of foreign people who come here to earn a living. Lets soften the rental stresses on people, let’s open up the platform to more debates, let’s challenge the old Dubai ways. Let’s treat women and men equally, let’s address the very obvious racial discrimination and racial stratification in the labor market. Let’s treat the low cost labor class right for without them, Dubai would, arguably, still be several years back in urban development. So many thorny issues, but a whole lot of opportunities to improve. Will the leaders take note?

  175. I am 100 % sure. After u read this u will never ever move to dubai .
    I have no words to explain about how bad peoples and rules are there . I had so bad experience there and so many innocent peoples are stucking in dubai jail.
    Here are the rules of dubai. And sentence for crimes . Every single small fault is a crime there.
    Please have a look .
    1… Hugs for girlfriends at public place.its a crime in dubai. U will have 1 month jail and deport.
    2…. Kissing girlfriend at public place. U will have
    3 months in jail and deport.
    3… Romance at public place or in your own car. U will have 6 months in jail and deport.
    4… Faurting at public place. 1 month jail and then deport
    5… Selling alcohal. 1 month jail and deport
    6… Smoking hash or other drugs like taking sleeping pills. 4 yearsssss in jail and deport
    7…selling drugs even 1 gram.u will have up to 10 years in jail and deport
    8…overstay or expire visa. 1 month and deport
    9…using sex toys ..1 month jail and deport
    10… Picking up prostitute. 3 months jail and deport
    11… Have sex with girl friend or with boy friend even at your own home. 6 months jail and deport
    12…stealing .. 6 months jail and deport
    13… If by mistake some girl or your girl friend complain. The dubai court dont need proof . And u will hav 6 months jail and deport
    14… And if girl complain that u try to rape her then 7 years in jail and deport . And they dont ask for any proof.
    15…Asking money from peoples as bagger. U will have 2 months in jail and deport.
    16…Making pic of stranger girls. 6 months jail and deport
    17… Drinking alcohal at home even and someone complain about u. 3 months jail and
    18…if by mistake ur hand touch girls hand and girl complain against u. 6 months in jail and deport. And they dont ask proof from girls
    19…fighting with someone even on sms or whatsapp messages. And if u sms or whatsapp like fuck u or bla bla. 1 month jail and deport..
    20… Giving money to peoples for finish work quicky. 6 months jail and deport
    Brother and sister its all true. I wish someday u meet some person who had suffered from dubai jail and u will believe this
    Police and cid are so nose up. They dont respect peoples… They dont help anyone for giving info..
    And cid hit the innocent peoples so much. And they blamed the innocent peoples for that crime which he have not been involved. And court dont ask proof…
    When u go to court. U cant talk with judge or can not explain what was happend.and judge just ask u . If u did this . Yes or no …. Thats it
    Judge dont want we innocent peoples to explain
    They dont respect old people . They dont even care if u r 80 years old or more then that .they dont respect the old peoples
    There is no rule for local peoples .. All rules are for forner peoples
    If u are waiting in the que in government office or any super market to buy something or getting paper .. U have to wait so much. And if local person come he directally goes to counter. Locals never wait in que.
    I was in jail and i have seen everything.and even when i was outside if jail i knew all these. But when i have this experience i really wanna share it. So please share it as much as u can too..and its 100% true…
    Court is so bad..if u don’t do appeal after the judgement then court will open case against u that why you don’t appeal and ask for sorry.. And they give again hearing dates and wasting time peoples. And give them impound. Its all way to make money
    In jail they serve prisnor with very bad food and very bad water…
    In jail there is no rule for local. And security of jail is so so bad. They don’t know even how to talk and how to count the prisnor or how to call some one s name. And the police man in jails are so uneducated
    Most important thing.
    After u finish ur sentence from jail. Still u have to stay in jail for more then one month again.because they need to prepare ur all documents as police man says…
    Court is so bad..if u don’t do appeal after the judgement then court will open case against u that why you don’t appeal and ask for sorry.. And they give again hearing dates and wasting time peoples. And give them impound. Its all way to make money
    The fact is. Saudi government gives 60$ per prisnor to dubai government for every day .. So they keep innocent peoples in jail without any reason. Jail is a business in dubai…
    About business…
    Too much expensive everything there
    And if u want to starts a business.u have to invest ur all money but u can’t be owner for ur own money’s business. Owner will be a local person for ur money’s business
    No nationality or residence … Doesn’t matter even if u r staying in dubai 20 years or more then that
    Peoples thinks there is no tax in dubai… But there is alot of useless charges which we have to pay dubai government without any reason .. Thats the reason dubai is rich country
    All these rules are for forner peoples. But not for locals
    For getting driving license..u have to get permission from ur boss
    For buying a car or home or rental. U have to get letter from company…
    I request u all please. Share this as much as u can. So that peoples knows about dubai before they travel here.and they can save their life and time and money.. And i really don’t want someone suffer from dubai jail and rules as i suffered
    Its 100% sure its real. So please share this
    Thanks alot for reading.

    • sometimes u need to respect others culture and rule because without those rules UAE won’t be safe and as a citzen of UAE I thank our government for putting those rules so plz if u don’t like those rules or you think it doesn’t make any sense following them then don’t bother to visit our country .

      • fuck u emirati idiot! I am a Bahraini that visited UAE last month after 20 years and found out that u retards are living off of mawaqif and penalities. You are all poor and need government support. U are all uneducated and irrational. Even Saudis are more advanced than u. U all are stupid and trying to cheat expats and make them work for u. You assholes are only good at taking haram money from people and u are using disgusting Egyptians for that task.

  176. You are having a complete wrong ideology of dubai. It is a admirable country and full of safety. A girl can easily stroll about even at night. Even it’s free of crime.

  177. dubai is good but full of fucker always disturbing and Islamic people are plotting a consultancy against Hindus and Christians buddhist they think they are right others are wrong bloody mother fucker Egyptians and bangladeshi Indian Muslim they are mother fucker and very cheap mentality people if I ruling their I fuck all Egyptians Pakistani Indian Muslims bangladeshi all buckshot….hell

  178. Honestly, this is such an inaccurate account of Dubai. Often, people forget that they are simply guests in the country. Most of these complaints are not only racist but also culturally ignorant. There are so many mistakes in this list. For one, tailgating is illegal here. I have no idea what gave you the idea it wasn’t. The complaint that Dubai only has a few satellite channels? Du (the main television provider in Dubai) has over 200 channels. Not to mention, Dubai is the safest place I’ve ever lived. I once left my wallet in a restaurant, and the next day a driver from the restaurant had driven to my address, which he found from my business card, and dropped it off at my house. Yes, I have had men stare at me, but to think that it’s a Dubai thing, and not a general man thing, is ridiculous. If anything, I find that the migrant workers who you so horrendously insulted avert their eyes when near women, as a sign of respect. As for the the laws pertaining ILLEGAL forms of streaming and downloading media, skype, and other free forms of contact, are there to help protect the artists and the telecom companies, not a ‘matter of security’.
    Personally, I see nothing wrong with wanting to have an international population, and calling immigrants ‘third world drivers’ and ‘smelly’ is incredibly racist. And the complaints pertaining the changed weekend, women’s and men’s clothing, alcohol laws, and the weather are all cultural. It’s just disrespectful to ask them to change their culture to yours. And complaining about the weather? Really? They have no control over that, it’s just stupid to complain about that. Also, it only reaches 120 degrees in the peak of summer. In the winter months it’s a nice 70-80 degrees, which many people vacation to experience.
    Finally, several of your reasons Dubai is terrible are based off of personal experience, like ” If I see one more kid standing up and waving to me out the back window while flying down the road at 160 kph…” and “I am sick of being stared at.”, but the last sentence of this rant is “I haven’t been to Dubai EVER :(” So how do you know all these things about Dubai, seemingly from personal experience?
    And finally. Dubai is hot and has few plants because it is a desert. Deserts are hot. I feel like you should already know this.
    I sincerely hope that this was a joke because the none of these reasons are valid, or problems you wouldn’t find anywhere else. Not to mention, Dubai is only 40 years old, and if you ever choose to visit it, remember that you are a guest there, not a citizen.

    • Good reply. It’s like going to Canada and complaining about how cold it is all the time and how we have to wear coats and so many layers and how I missed bathing in warm beach water. Oh wait, I have never been to Canada…but I’ve gotten as close as Maine.
      All countries have their problems. If you’re not aware of where you are going and what to expect, of course you will get culture shock. A lot of the laws are in place to prevent fraud and unlicensed practitioners and it’s the only way for a tiny country to try to regulate, control and maintain law and order. The UAE is not the USA. Their problems are not the same. They face different issues and therefore tackle them in different ways.
      If you have never taken a driving course for your permit in the UAE, then you cannot comment on the drivers. The UAE does its best to accommodate the millions of people from all over the world and the result is, of course, a melange of driving styles. A lot of people have driving licenses from their own countries but are allowed to take a driving test to switch it over. If they fail, they have to retake the entire course from scratch. If they pass, well then they managed to control their crazy driving during the 5 minutes they were under scrutiny.
      You’re allowed to hate the country but you can’t assume things if you don’t know the truth. Tinting of car windows is not legal above a certain limit for anyone. How some people manage to do it? Oh, it’s called breaking the law. Some people don’t care about fines, or having their license suspended. Does not mean it is legal. People are always finding ways to do criminal activity and all countries struggle to reduce that number. Reasons vary but tell us of one country where someone did not complain about police not doing their job. They all try their best.
      And by the way, the country DID adapt the weekend so that it can increase the business days it can have with other parts of the world. Friday is still set as it is religious but they moved the second day of the weekend from Thursday to Saturday which means the weekends overlap at least. Different companies have different employment contracts and overtime pay so if you sign saying you will work on one day of the weekend, then it’s your choice.
      Yeah they are building in the water…maybe we can talk about fracking in the US? or mining industry in many countries? Countries make choices. They weigh pros and cons. Just like on a personal level, you drive a car….by your logic you shouldn’t. Stick to a bicycle instead.

    • … and just for the record… the taxis ARE smelly, really SMELLY, and that’s nothing to do with racism, or being racist… (don’t be ridiculous!) but just what the nose registers… ! It’s a fact of the olfactory sense dear…! Oh and for the record… so is Carfour on a Friday… Extremely smelly place! I avoid going there at peak times.. it makes me gag! The smell of Curry is overwhelming and not my favorite smell… 🙁
      So, yeah, I agree with the writer- spot on!
      So shut up.

  179. Hahaha what crazy are these comment they come to Dubai for money and then they leave a fucked up comments on the country.. Don’t like it leave it and go to hell.. Hope everyone who’s not great full as u guys never come back to Dubai

  180. Well, now I simply cannot decide. After 10 years teaching in universities in Japan, , as a highly qualified, and experienced in EFL teacher, I actually want to make some money, and enjoy a change of scenery and culture. As such I am doing a lot research into the UAE – particularly Dubai – as the place to work for a couple of years, but I continually come across articles such as the above, where the commenters – who live(ed) in the country seem to offer the best advice, but the advice is contradictory with sometimes equal portions of fors and againsts. I guess the experience one will have in Dubai boils down to individual needs and how open-minded one is to other cultures/religions, etc. As one who has taught and lived in four Asian countries, in addition to my home country, perhaps I have a small advantage in this area. Still, after having read “everything” above, it’s a decision that I cannot easily make. Thanks, everyone, for your input.

    • I have lived in Dubai now for a year and half sure Dubai has its down falls but no one is perfect ! It’s all on how you see things here in Dubai . i so far enjoyed my time here

  181. All points completely true…written in 2009…and nothing has changed since then…give them another 100 years to further develop. Spoon and forks is still a new concept…poor ppl from poor countries will eat with their hands on the floor…its a respected tradition i guess…..

    • Oh yes it is. Tried to see the best but keep coming back to same conclusions sadly. Will definitely avoid this place even their crazy airport.
      Developers Cheating people if their saving taking money and not building but not refunding either is just wrong! Yet some poor workers with a small loan get arrested ten years after absconding.
      Arrest the mega developers the super thrives! Restore sons justice. My guess it will end very badly. Allah always punishes the unjust the thieves the wrongdoers.

  182. After spending almost 16 years as middle to upper management in a very involved field within aviation. I moved to UAE in January with my wife. Being very cultural diverse and having alot of understanding and openness to different cultures and beliefs I felt like the move would be fine and just another experience of living. Wrong! The article is pretty much dead on. And besides the fact that really and truly most of the actual locals are pretty good people. The extreme use of members of many other countries really seems to hurt things. As stated many taxis here don’t habeeb a clue where you need to go and with there being no formal address system it makes to tough to guide them and ofcourse driving is not any better as it seems a liability every time you are in a personal automobile. Don’t expect anyone to keep their word about anything they say or promise as most will not. Also don’t expect to want to do much beyond the first few weeks being here as quickly the joy of being in such an interesting and unique place for me was overcast with the truth that most outdoor activities are simply not worth being out in the heat. Although it’s not as effective on me as is my wife being out in the sun for a walk or to do activities. Behind the glitz and glamour you will quickly find out that often things are done as fast and cheap as possible including fixes to your villa or flat (appartment) in combination with often times having the person preforming the task be of question to you based on the level of skill they display and ofcourse there not being to communicate with you properly doesn’t help and yes you guessed it almost all are just in from various third world countries and non Emirate locals. The article is also spot on about costs and money. Although I am American and make well most here on work visas truly do barely have enough money to afford to eat. I will note that in the recent months with the oil industry basically crashing here and oil being so low so very much of the industry has tanked and inturn caused tens of thousands to be either laid off and seeking work or forced back to their respective countries. Lastly, touching on the article there is great truth about the lack of what can be done basically Thursday Sundays. Add in the severely restricted business days during Ramadan and you’ll really have a little over a month of the year that anything business related becomes close to impossible or an extremely slow process to say the least.

  183. It is very clear that the person who wrote the article is dismissed or kicked off of her work , because this is usually the tone such people have on leaving the country. I lived 20 years in UAE and with no exaggeration, it is best country man can live in. Most of the issue stated are incorrect (who says that you must get your employer approval to rent property, have a telephone, or get satellite TV!!…simply the official department will ask you for a prove that you have a job which is a letter from a company…just to ensure that they are not providing services for criminals or simply illegal residents). Staring at you in public (believe me it is not your fairness or blue eyes, UAE has 60% expat and they are everywhere …Just remember where have you been wondering…You mentioned something about “prostitutes” that they were worried that you might take their business…Here you go! people think they you are a prostitute and therefore they are staring. UAE block indecent sites? yes, it is enough for you to enjoy all methods of perversion and indecency in your home country (America) , you may go there and enjoy watching gays, prostitution, illicit and immoral acts since your country allow it and even respect it under (Human Rights) …Here in UAE, they are doing their best to make things more respectable for respectable residents. Since you are not one of these people, you may stay in your country and enjoy the Road System. Before you come to UAE, you must be aware of Alcohol matter, if you used to drink, clubs, sex, and losing self control….simply UAE is not for you. Your article is full of grudges and ill feeling toward the Emirates woman who have been strongly supported, by their country yet they are modest, religious, decent and successful business women…you have put all that aside and get irritated by their reserved clothing…well you have to live with that.
    You remind of a situation where once i moved to a fantastic 37 floors building where the flats were spacious and the services was just impeccable and everything were just perfect…i saw a resident in the lift and to break the ice, i asked her when she moved in and how she thinks of the building in general. The lady answered me…”Well the garage is too narrow and you see till now the lift has not come!!” .. In fact there are people are born to notice only the negatives, in a way that you do not greet them the next day you see them, because they will do their best to find something in you or your family, “chronic complainers”, who are not welcomed by people or companies.

  184. What bullshit story from blond girl, who were not able to sell her so called knowledge and experience on the market from one side, and from other side hey girl who called you here. If you don’t like it, don’t come.

    • Who are you to discriminate someone who speaks of personal opinions and experiences. Please state facts rather than just predicting someone as a prostitute indirectly.

  185. She just shows the one side of picture and I am disappointed the way She explained the things. I think She got paid to visit Dubai and write down the negative aspects of human living.
    I acknowledge there are some black sheeps who abusing the employment law but get punished as well.
    Yes in your country is more freedom and human values because you just learned to just blaming, attacking and invading thirld world countries and looting all the gold assets, oil and money. After all you are civilized.
    The people of Emirates I swear are very honest and cooperative, friendly and helpful. They help you when hou in trouble.

    • Since being here numerous times have I been promised or sworn to have the aid or have something completed within very normal parameters only to have been left with those tasks being undone the “in God’s will” saying of in shalah is used VERY often and without any desire to follow up. As for alot of what she said in the column. It’s mostly spot on. Sure there’s hardships in most countries but in the UAE it’s very obvious that the “slavish laborers ” and other injustices are present and a continuous problem. Perhaps we should not fully look down on them as they have truly came a long way as a country that’s only a few decades old. Although in fairness most times what you see here is strong opinions of like or dislike. The truth though is that first the most part they lady speaking her mind and take has said most of the negative that she has with alot of revelance and truth. Shame on her for anything she has inflated or embellished. As for thoe rest of her stated problems …. the truth can sometimes hurt and in this case has.

  186. Such is the world that there is no criticism allowed even if someone is stating their own opinion or things almost close to reality .

  187. Awwww guyz stop you even haven’t been Dubai so pls stop complaining I hav been there for almost 12 years now I am 12 . I’m born here and it’s one of the best contries in the WORLD
    It’s has soooooooo many cool things. Yo hav to visit DUBAI

  188. Hi, Dubai is a nice place , however the work environment and work culture is bad with arrogant bosses and supervisors and bad work ethics/policies. Long way to go before it matches with other countries like US/India/Europe. Not recommended to work there.

  189. Dubai sux Ass. So do all the nationals especially the goat fart smelling egyptians. I have a glass bottle in which i pissed after drinking fresh pineapple juice. I have kept it for several years in my office drawer just in case one day a Dubai resident businessman comes to America seeking help from my firm. I will throw it on his face and beat his ass before having security drag him out into the alley where he belongs. Who ever supports this fake ass country is as fake as the country he/she is supporting.

  190. Great list!
    Half my family lives in Dubai, but I decided to settle in Finland for so many good reasons! I could even suggest an alternative title “Why move to Scandinavia instead of Dubai!”
    Here’s couple of additional points to your list:
    1. DISCRIMINATION! You mentioned cheap labor and the horrible working conditions, low pay, etc. But this goes beyond. I was shocked to know that there is discrimination in healthcare provision in Dubai! This means that Emiratis receive healthcare in some exclusive hospitals where no foreign nationals are allowed, regardless of their status! What kind of sick mentality is this? This practice is against international law, obviously, but what is not obvious it how they managed to get away with it! The same thing happened with their disgusting practice of withholding workers’ passports, which you pointed, and which is the modern version of slavery. it’s not just in UAE, btw (all Arab Gulf states do that, as far as I know).
    it’s not just healthcare! Another example is electricity bills! The mighty Emirati pays much less as they get some sort of serious discounts.
    In Finland, all of the above is simply unconstitutional. Everyone, regardless of their nationality, and as long as they have a permenant residence and a job, are entitled for 100% of benefits, services, laws, etc., as compared to citizens.
    I could never see the point of why some people trade off their basic rights for a cult obsessed with bigger-penis–therefore-bigger-mall!
    2. No matter how long you work your ass in Dubai, or elsewhere in rich Arab Gulf (or Persian Gulf, to be just!), you would never become citizen. I know it might not be that important for an American or a Brit; but for people holding shitty passports, constantly humiliated by irrational visa procedures, this really counts! In Finland (so far), you are entitled to become a citizen after 4 years of residence, just 4 fucking years, provided you learned enough Finnish! I know people in my family who busted their bodies with all sorts of occupational illnesses, after DECADES of slave work in UAE, KSA, Kuwait, etc., yet, they never received citizenship, never had pension, etc., and they were practically kicked out of these shit-holes after retirement! Mind you that they all speak the local language (Arabic), and they even practice local religion (Islam)! But still, they never qualified for citizenship! The only case I saw was in Bahrain, where the King tried to solve the problem of Shi’is outnumbering Sunnis by allowing Sunni foreigners to apply for citizenship (under very strict conditions). So it was not really about equality, but rather sick sectarianism.

  191. That is such a lie
    Dubai iso the nicest country I can think of
    Why don’t you do next top 20 reasons to not go to America then we’ll see if you lie or tell the truth

  192. Im from France I live in Dubai since 2009 the lettuce salad you said cost 10$ I guess you never been there it cost less than 50 euro cent and I know many people even from France critizise Dubai but they never been you are free to choose the place you want but I love Dubai and Emirati people are very respectful they are the only educated respectful classy people I met in this world

    • well,chère madame,I was thinking to alternate Cote d’Azur with Dubai,as for holiday Dubai was funny and France is a communist country anyway, but after reading enough stories about women put in jail after they were raped,I’ll be stick with Monaco…I don’t remeber the lettuce price but the ponts 3,7,10,11,12 and 18 from the above are unfortunately true, I noticed it even when I was only on holiday in Dubai…… and by the way: renting 1 bedroom flat in Dubai Marina is the same price like in Monaco?!! and you can’t compare the safety&services between them…

  193. You guys have no idea how they treat asians in dubai. They will use you for work and throw like a tissue paper.. being my self i am a victim of labour abuse. Modern sanctuary slavery sucks. Dubai has been build by asian worker especially from India, pakistan and bangladesh. Dubai government didn’t even built a single institute in these countries to train a skilled labour..

  194. everything in this article is true. Dubai was not my first choice but I heard it will be great to make money, so i am now here applying. 1 month-500 CVs and still nothing.
    there are many more negatives i can name…
    i got robbed the second day i was here, but was advised not to report it- because i was staying at someone;s place and he was a guy-so I would have gone to jail too.
    let me add some more:
    – never get an arab boss as my friend was abused but couldnt even report it. they think they owe you and do not respect you
    -you cannot get a studio or flat for yourself unless you are a Director in your field, otherwise you share a room or flat
    -when people say they will call you back, they dont. or they dont reply to emails (about work). they are rude and unprofessional and dont care
    the only positives i know of are:
    -events, expos and festivals
    -girls nights where girls drink for free
    -the salaries are not taxed, but you cannot save that much- rent is insane
    everyone always says: Ah- you re white and canadian, just apply for managers positions. it is extremely Discriminatory

  195. 100% Spot on! I have hated every moment since my partner and I moved here… Unless you’re closed minded and self obsessed you can see straight past it all, it’s all a lie, people are mean and rude, there’s no sense of community. They waste gallons and gallons of water a day watering all the golf courses and then have to do Cloud Seeing to ensure there’s plenty of water!

    • I grew up here and cannot wait to leave. The only reason this became my home was because my parents moved here to work two decades ago. They don’t seem to mind but I cannot stand the fake hypocrites that live in this concrete jungle. I’d never recommend raising a child in this country the education is poor and culture non existant.

  196. I am in mid 20s and a local woman whats funny is that i agree with her except point 9, and the alcohol. i guess for foreigners it is a must., it amazes foreigners or people in general that there is a possibility to happiness with your life and your choices, as a religious women and a man. though you guys are known for labeling everything. Babe this is our country with all the shit that is not adding up, its not made for everyone, if u love it stay, and if you don’t go back no one forced you, don’t say shit out of anger. just like me saying….. this one is for the feminist in you lol “Kim Kardashian represents women in the united states” this will make women angry bcuz its not true. though she is pretty fine. same assumptions are being made about us. in dubai womens needs come first, and if we wanted something we can easily get it, without having to protest about feminism. I mean you have traveled to dubai maybe you should have learned some arabic you’ll find things hilarious, instead of writing about a small tantrum u had because of a bad situation u put yourself into. have a sense of humor life is not that great anyways. and keep in mind your talking about a religious country…. no offense to anyone …..

    • Sadly all you can do is compare the worst of America to the best you can offer. I’ll take Kim K over a racist religious fraud any day.

  197. I’ve been living here for 12 years now. Yes, some points ring true but poimt 13 is not true! In Qatar, yes – you can’t do ANYTHING without your sponsor’s consent! You complain about the speeding on the roads and THEN about the cameras on the roads. Which one is it now? We have many new, alternate roads which have recently been opened. You don’t have to use Sheikh Zayed toll road – Sheikh Moh’d Al Maktoum road is a great free alternative. However, when you’re from a Country where your skin colour counts against you when job hunting, we are welcomed in Dubai with open arms. The UAE has rules (for developers) to create ‘green spaces’, various new parks have also been built and are now open. Dubai Wonder Garden is but one example. We also have a Minister of Hapoiness in Dubai! YES, it gets very hot here and YES, we work very hard but we are proud to be part of the UAE, in an emirate called Dubai. (Sure you knew Dubai is NOT the Country but one of 7 Emirates, making up the UAE . You stated that you’ve never been to Dubai. Come and see for yourself, THEN write an informed report!

  198. Dubai is fake, Dubai is racist. They love to say they are a new country and that USA treats blacks and minorities worse but that is not true. In Dubai a skilled black cannot get work, not due to competition but because of skin color, in America blacks work, one was even president and if they don’t want to work it’s because they are lazy. In Dubai they want you to be a housekeeper nothing professional, life is terrible for blacks there. I had a few American friends come and they changed tickets to leave earlier. This place is only surviving because of the money they have and US support, the God they claim to praise does not sleep and sees all the wickedness going on there. Racist vile and evil place and yes I left!

    • …That’s everywhere. There is no country that is immune to racism,sexism, inequalities,etc. Only a perfect country would be immune to that and be open as f***. U can be any minority and visit a country and face discrimination and predominated by a different ethnic group. To think otherwise would be VERY disconnected to reality and to the world because THAT’S reality! Weather you like it or not, things won’t go the way you want it to be…

  199. I’m from India, constantly trying to escape from here to someplace else, cleaner and wealthier. But, compared to Dubai, even India is so much better. Let’s assess a comparuson based on your 20 points about Dubai.
    1- India has an efficient address system, even when you happen to live in the slums. Amazon is doing brisk business in India, because every Indian e-commerce user can be traced to a definite address. And no one tries to cheat or scam the system. There are a few challenges with pizza delivery websites, but all you have to really do is memorize the location of your nearest chain outlet, and you’re done. Apart from Domino’s and Pizza Hut, you can get home delivery for McDonald’s and KFC in Metro (Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai) and Tier-1/Tier-2 cities (Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Chandigarh). India’s postal system is fast, professional and efficient, comparable to the UK, Australia and New Zealand, Commonwealth creations.
    2- Indian government blocks a few hundred or so pornographic, escort services and online piracy/movie download websites. But everything else is untouched. Not really a free speech thing but as a result of lax enforcement of rules. Facebook, Skype and WhatsApp are big in India, unlike even neighbouring China which bans them. For such a large country, there aren’t enough independent blogs and television networks that criticize the government. That’s something India should learn from the US which has so many alternative media outlets. But, Indians are by nature, a conformist lot. Government is meant to be feared, not really held accountable to those it serves. India is a democracy in name only.
    3- Some parts of India can be exceptionally hot like Dubai, e.g. Rajasthan. But, there are lots of cool or rainy places. It even snows heavily in the Northern Himalayan cities like Shimla, Srinagar etc. India is geographically a large country, spreading all the way from the equator (Andaman islands/Laccadive islands) to Mediterranean latitudes.
    4- Lots of lush greenery in India.
    5- You will always find a Western public toilet in Indian 3 star hotels and above, large shopping malls and so forth. Most Indians don’t use toilet paper though, just like the Arabs. A water hose or something. You can buy your own toilet paper rolls at a pharmacy or the supermarket. Toilet papers are always to be found in 4 and 5 star hotels, the quality may be a bit inferior.
    6- Lots of workers are exploited in India as well, but they happen to come from interior regions. India is signatory to all international labour law conventions, but there is lack of enforcement. Government can do only as much because the people don’t demand their rights enough. Corporations in India are able to get away with things they wouldn’t elsewhere.
    7- Grocery items and public services are usually very cheap in India but anything deemed “touristy” is taxed to death. Cigarettes, alcohol and imported food products cost an arm and a leg thanks to luxury taxes. Beer in Western Europe is cheaper than major Indian cities. Imported beers and spirits are widely available but the average person can’t afford them. 3 star and above hotel accommodations in India are more expensive compared to Thailand and much of Europe. Indian tourist spots have very few cheap backpacker hostels that you find in Europe and SE Asia.
    8- Lots of CCTV cameras have mushroomed everywhere in Indian cities. I hate this constant surveillance culture.
    9- Many Indian women are beautiful and dressed sexily, and are charming. The same cannot be held true about the men. They have a dressing style from like the 70s, a shabby appearance due to an unironed shirt and a cheap pair of trousers. Many of them don’t shave regularly, and showers are optional. If an Indian man tries to keep a clean appearance and is style conscious, he will be ridiculed by other Indian men, and even Indian women, for being effeminate. There are exceptions among socially mobile upward classes.
    10- Oh yeah, Indians stare as badly as the Arabs. I get a lot of stares even as a man, so have to wear a pair of shades at all times. Even at night. I can’t imagine how bad it must be being a beautiful woman.
    I like the fact that in Western countries, people are disciplined and busy enough not to stare at you.
    11- Prostitution in India is not as common as in Thailand or Dubai. Prostitutes are really confined to certain red light districts, out of public view. They don’t solicit in middle class neighborhoods. If you were a decent kid in India, you will probably have never seen an actual prostitute with your own eyes.
    12- Cheap Indian alcohols are everywhere (they taste like motor oil, and suck !). Imported liquors (even beers) have been taxed to death. Very few decent bars in India because Indian men are shabby and don’t invest in their appearance. Who wants to drink around those ugly people ? Indian women who drink are still judged negatively.
    13- Not applicable. But, no one cares if you drink.
    14- Driving is crazy but speeding is heavily frowned.on.
    15-We have a normal weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
    16- Lots of satellite TV operators. Lots of international channels and programs. I don’t watch TV at all, so couldn’t care.
    17- Indian roads are legendary for their potholes and lack of width. Lots of traffic jams and overcongestion in Indian cities.
    18- Taxi drivers are not dangerous but they do smell. In fact, nearly all Indian men smell bad.
    19- Indians resent the rich so if you’re speeding in your BMW convertible, everyone will hate your guts. Indians are a jealous lot so if you’re rich un India, you pretend to be poor.
    20- India is becoming very environment friendly, almost all plastic is recycled. There are water conservation efforts.

    • I’m a hindu myself but I feel like you give India too much credit and ignore alot of problems that exist in that country such as how OVERLY populated India is and how there are about 5 states in India that has slums and nothing is being done about that or even develop those states and improve their living standards/conditions and the horrible and rigged castle system.
      How mob lynchings and mob attacks still happens there! And how these horrible people get away and how the law enforcement are so weak when it comes to this.
      As much I admire your honestly and how you point out the faults in India’s society as well as the positive, however I feel like that country can do ALOT better.
      Hearing how bad sexism exist in an Indian society and how poorly Indian woman are being treated is pretty horrifying when you read the back stories. How dowries are still being carried out before marriages and even though the they made it illegal… PEOPLE STILL DO IT!!! There has been many MANY women been killed over that slaughter system that snatches the women’s rights and freedom even to the point where their husband MURDERS THEM for the greed of money if they don’t pay them on time. When in fact those things like that SHOUDN’T EXIST!
      Please don’t try to make India sound better or sell that country when its not all that. Esp for any tourist women, since they are very vulnerable because they are mostly the target due to rape or gang rape, where a girl can’t even dress the way how she likes without getting sexually harassed by men or the risk of getting rape. When the country and people there don’t take their rights and freedom seriously, and how these perpetrators don’t get stigmatized and be severely punished by their horrible actions, then it doesn’t make it a safe country for anyone.
      If India in fact turns it around and takes these criticism. Then there is really not much to criticize and praise the country for it and how that can attract tourists on its own! Other than that, if India doesn’t step up to their game…..Then I wouldn’t say its the best country or even tell others about it since these problems due exist and how bad it is.

  200. What’s with the angry comments? And bashing this person with racist comments?!? Everyone has the right to express their opinions. And for people to say that what she gone through was nothing like their experience is just pathetic and arrogant. This is obviously not BS because this IS her experience and reality in what she gone through there.
    You can not undermine her judgement if that was her sense of reality in that country and how she was treated :/. She is minority in that country after all and as a westerner obviously wouldn’t be comfortable to live those living standards because that wasn’t their lifestyle!
    And there would be some truth into what she is saying, because any westerner who decides to move there or go there would be a great way in what to expect!
    So all you extreme nationalists can stop :/


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